Saturday, June 29, 2013



     I am having the hardest time coping with this fucking heat! Today in my city it was 102 degrees!  And all I’ve been having are anxiety attacks.  I know all this anxiety is going to trigger some sort of insomnia or light sleeping episodes.  And we all know how much I love to sleep for one hour, be awake for four, sleep thirty minutes, be awake for six hours more!

    It’s like I can feel it welling up in my body. The tenseness, the internal feeling that my legs want to run a marathon. The thoughts of doom or ill will that might come of my family.  Those lovely thoughts that cause me to call up family members to make sure they are alive.  (Yes, I actually call up my parents and my sister to make sure they haven’t died in some mind made up manner.) Last night, I was so hot and tired. And yet, I couldn’t sleep. Every time tried to “lay my head down” like normal people do, I would just lay there staring up at the ceiling, or trying to following the blades of the ceiling fan.  It got so bad that after I took a shot of Tequila, my eyes became so heavy, that I just fell asleep. I then woke up at 2 a.m. and to my surprise my left foot was swollen.  And that got my mind buzzing again. What could have fucking caused this shit? Did a fucking demon bug bite the shit out of me while I knocked out? What type of medical disease did I have now?

    So I sat there…. Mind racing, foot swollen, and watched TV.  I had a cigarette and another drink. And soon after that I sat there with my boyfriend.  We chatted but for some reason we were drawn by the commercial that was on TV.  It was another fucking  Sean T exercise commercial.  This time for some fucking Hip Hop Dance weight loss shit.  We were overall disgusted by this commercial.  Actually “diet” or
“weight loss” commercials that have before and after photos REALLY irritate me.  The before photo is always of the person looking so fucking depressed.  This person is ultimately miserable. Which I find especially hard to believe if they were as active as they claimed or had children or a mate.  The before photo is often of the person extremely pale with no make up.  The after photo is the polar opposite.  It usually depicts the person with tons more make up, new clothes that look more expensive then the ones they used to wear in their “old life”, and of course, I can’t forget to add that they are also really tan. All this, of course, is to make the Buyer think that with the exercise video you will have great skin, a tan, a happier life, and rosier cheeks. Also the video was a bit contradictory. It is supposed to be a Hip Hop Dance video, yet the music and the dance moves were nothing of the sort.  If anything, the music was that of techno or almost house music.  And the whole time during the commercial, we kept thinking that somewhere out there in the Club scene, there is a person who is trying out these moves because they think these are actual dance moves that people really do.  WARNING: PURCHASING THIS VIDEO WILL NOT GIVE YOU RHYTHM IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM. AND NO ONE IN THE CLUB IS DOING THESE DANCE MOVES. Last, but not least, I can’t forget the under-lying racism that was taking place.  The announcer would say what a great deal this was and how fantastic you will feel.And then when he announced that it was 75% off, a clearly African-American voice shouts, “Say what!”  It was then followed by various sprinkling of other “slang” phrases like, “That’s dope!” I was appalled. And yet I could not take my eyes away from it. We laughed and discussed it some more.

    I do have to thank Sean T for one thing. It took my mind of my swollen foot, and it actually went down some. I was no long concentrating on “dying” family members. I had focused all my attention on this commercial. So, I guess my before photo would be of me with a swollen foot, rubbing my aching and restless legs, and smoking. My after photo would be me tan ( or a bit more bronze since I am black) with lip stick on, and laughing at the TV.


Love Always.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


It was a pretty hot day, but it is considerably cooler right now…. We went to the Sonoma Raceway today and did sit under the sun for a little while but not for very long. We even stopped off at the beach and walked the water’s edge as our puppy played with another Pug that was chasing the ball.

    And now we are home …. It so cool outside and it really doesn’t get too hot in my house.  The kids are in the Living Room playing my Xbox.  I am in my room, browsing the net for more conspiracy theories.  And then it fucking starts! The whining, the slight shoving, the aggravation…. The horror!  The kids start arguing! They have nothing to argue about! They are sitting in front of the FLAT SCREEN TV playing the XBOX while the cool breeze flows through the house and yet they will always find a reason to argue! Kids can be in the most optimal situations, and the slightest thing can tick them off!

     What started this spat you ask? I have no fucking idea! Why do birds sing? Why is tequila so fucking tasty?  These questions can’t even be answered by scientists.  I have twin teenagers and a 5 yr Old Diva.  It really doesn’t take much to set them off.  I can’t complain because they don't argue all the time.  But when they do, it’s equivalent to a cat scratching it’s claws on a chalkboard while Justin Bieber is playing in the back ground! I try to let the kids work on their differences on their own, but there are those moments that I have to be a “parent” and step in.  And sometimes I dread that shit!  Because there are those times that no matter what you say, you are always wrong because you didn’t “chose” the right child’s side. 

     Since having children of my own, I have long since apologized to my parents for all the whining, bitching, fighting, arguing, stomping, and bratty-ness that I had put them through as a child.  I figured that my parents have cursed me, much like the guy was cursed in Thinner or Drag Me To Hell.  And using that same horror movie logic, I thought apologizing and making things right would help… But NO! The curse continues on…. I can only curse these future demons with the same the children as they were as children! LOL

Love Always.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ugh! Stupid people get on my fucking nerves…

Some people really get on my damn nerves! LOL I am not sure which category of  dick is my drives me bonkers more.   Inconsiderate people, who are so self absorbed that they fail to recognize that there are other human beings on this earth besides themselves until they need something from you, might be tired for first place with stupid people, who waste time, money and resources funding their ignorance. I swear there is nothing more annoying than selfish ignorance!  LOL I am sure you are all aware ….

    Annoying people are everywhere. But I love it when coworkers are completely oblivious to their stupidity.  Ha! They cause so much for trouble for everyone.  Especially when their stupidity causes overall delays and it of course if a ripple effect. Dammit stupid people stop breeding so I don’t have to work with you or my children won’t have to go to school with your off spring…


Thank you.

Love Always.


I have witnessed something really disturbing today… It started off like any other day at work.  I get a Facebook notification that a friend of mine had tagged me in a video. I watch it and it is pretty funny! It was a fight video with a guy and a drag queen (?).  And that out of right field a torso, yes a freaking torso, came to jump into the fight. Maybe I am being mean by calling him a torso, it was a guy with no arms or legs hop out of a wheel chair that was off to the right side.  After watching this freak show, I was dicussing the video with a coworker.  He then asked if I had heard about the naked man that was attacking people at the BART station, to which I replied that I had not.  That, of course, meant that he had to send me the link. 

     Immediately upon pressing play the action was in full swing.  There was what appeared to be an African-American male with an afro and was completely asshole naked! I am not joking! He then proceed to stalk and pounce on a young female who was completely terrified, and it was that state of fear that he remain in the whole video. The Naked Man then proceeded to various gymnastic moves, flips, kicks, splits all around the BART station.During his reign of terror he attacks several other patrons, before laying down flat on the floor, making erratic movements and sounds.  (At this point a BART rider walking his bike, kicks the lunatic.)  The Naked Man gets up an then tries to attack more people, before the video is ended. 

    On the surface, this video is quite hilarious to witness his obvious decent into madness.  But if you dig deeper, you have to wonder, what does it all mean? The news is reporting that the man was on drugs, but I haven’t heard which type of drug he was on.  The is truly disturbing to me because we have seen a rise in cases like these. (Do I have to remind you of all the “zombie” cases that have appeared on television.) The fact that the drugs are having and even more negative effect on individuals is alarming. The cross melding of drugs are creating these “super” drugs that are causing people to lose their fucking minds.  Designer drugs are getting more and more popular. And with these new drugs, the doses needed to get to that level are getting smaller. But it seems that even though the doses are smaller, people seem to be ingesting  these designer drugs at larger that “recommended” amounts”. These drugs severally alter the mind, and cause episodes of extreme aggressive or eventually put you in a super agitated state.

     People are even saying that these new drugs are some sort of government testing. The government is experimenting on the American people by creating drugs for the use of making the public more servile and/or using the drugs for war applications.  It is no secret that in the past the government has used several types of drugs, hoping to use them during war. 

     If not drugs, then was else caused this man to act to erratic at the BART station?  If the man had a mental problem, these would also definitely explain his behavior. There are several mental illnesses that would cause an otherwise normal individual to lose his/her fucking shit.There are all too many incidents where someone who wasn’t right in the head has flipped out and caused damage to property, harm to other, or even harm to themselves. 

Whatever the case was, it’s is also frightening to see incidents like this where innocent and unsuspecting individuals get attacked.  Here is the video, finally, but I have to warn that is graphic and NSFW.

Love Always.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Today it was 97 degrees where I live at.  And the next city over was 20 degrees cooler.  And it got me thinking about the summer time.  I really don’t like the summer. I so good on the heat and I cannot wait for the weather to cool off! I am so ready for it to be fall and winter already!!! However, I have the great benefit to live in the great state of California! There are no season here! It was 97 degrees, but by nightfall, we were all in sweats and jackets.  We dress in layers in this great state.  We start off with jeans, change to short and tank tops by the late morning or afternoon, switch to another pair of jeans and t-shirts, and in our comfy sweats and sweaters by the end of the night! I have grown use this.  We have to carry our jackets with us at all times because we do not know when the weather will change, but we do know it will change. I can’t ask for anything better. I love this state. I believe that we are the reason why girls across America wear shorts and Ugg boots. It’s mainly because we are wholly unsure of what the weather will fully be like, so like I said before, we dress in layers! I do have to admit that we do start a lot of fashion trends.  Mainly because I believe that living in California makes people more open.  We are a pretty open state.  And we do have a lot of original things. We are basically famous for our fusions of not only many cultures and beliefs but fusions of our food as well.  California is also famous for gold and gold rushes, our very talented sports teams, fires (especially during this fucking horrid season called “Summer”), the film industry, earthquakes, Naval bases, Redwood Trees, traffic, food, and diversity. Not to mention the insane amount of celebrities that call this state home. I really don’t know why I started this blog, maybe it was to bitch about the summer. Maybe it was to quiet my mind and convince myself to NOT movie halfway across the world in search of a place where it isn’t summer.  Either way, I love the state that I live in.  But I still HATE summer!

Love Always



I’ve gone and done it AGAIN! I’ve stumbled upon some really great articles about various conspiracy theories… And the really terrible part about it, they range from Aliens to MK Ultra Mind control. I was asked the other day, which one of the so called “Conspiracy Theories” are my favorite. While I love them all,  from Big Foot sightings to Alien abductions to Paranormal disturbances… All the way to Government controlled terror attacks. One of my favorite things to study is the Occult and it’s symbolism.  I have to remember to add some of the links of the articles that I am reading on here.  There truly are some really good ones. Right now I am doing a reading on the Boston Bombings and whether or not they were staged terror attacks.  I recently seen some information saying that the government hired amputees to appear in Boston. Is this true I asked my self?  Well it turns out that the Government actually DOES hire  amputees during Military Training Exercises.  They hire them as fallen soldiers, so the soldier can get used to some of the things they might see on the battle field.  Which may or may not include a fallen comrade that has his/her limbs blown off. It happens.  Here are a few  videos that I have found on the subjects:

(Mark Dice)



Here is an article from CNN that claim that they Military use amputee actors for “realistic” training exercises:

And yet another article from an EMS site about how amputees help people train for disasters:


I am attaching the search that I did to look up the articles/videso:

  I have heard arguments for both For and Against the various Theories that I have read upon. Where do you all stand on the matter? Is is good for the military to use them for training to brace the soldiers for seeing their falling comrades with missing limbs?  Or  do you think they are using the amputee actors to train them to become hardened against feel sympathetic for injured civilians/military personnel? Do you even think that it is morally wrong to use them at all during ANY training exorcise? Let me know what’s on your mind.

Love always!

Getting that itch for another tattoo again…But TRUST it won’t be a terrible one like these….

   It’s only been a few months since I got my last tattoo, but I already want another one. Now, it’s just a question of what I want and where. I am thinking of getting my tattoo on my leg touched up and recreated.  I think something that I could get connected to the new one would be freaking awesome. I am also talking to my tattoo buddy and coworker about redesigning the one on my back. I don’t want to cover it up, it is the name of my ex boyfriend, because I do not regret it.  I am thinking of getting a phoenix added to it. 

    I think tattoos are wonderful!!! I think they are a great form of expression. I can’t really tell people what to get on their bodies, they are free to get whatever they so desire, it’s their body.  I’m just saying that they should be prepared to defend their decision to get the McDonald’s logo they inked on their cheeks…..

   I’ve come across some absolutely HORRIBLE tattoos around the internet…



11_Bad_WorstAwful_Love_Tattoos 39 2713954711-1360006589-res BAD_TATTOO_MUGSHOT bad-tattoo BadTattoos5CentMustacheRides Bad-Tattoos-Clowns BadTattoosDoughboy bad-tattoos-freddie-kruger BadTattoosJesusGoogleyEye Bad-Tattoos-Mug-Shot-Woman collegehumor_28fcf3907f8c6f13ed87cf01e69325e8 english-journalism-bad-tattoo funny-mugshots-bad-tattoos-01 guccimane horrible-funny-tattoos-bizarre-awful-7 horrible-tattoos-911 Jester-Tattoo Steelers_Bad_Tattoo Top-10-Bad-Tattoos-21 wetdreamtat Worst-Tattoo-Ever worst-tattoos-ever


I hope you have enjoyed these pictures. And let this be a lesson…. You have the right to tattoo anything you want on your body. But you also don’t want to regret the decision down the line. Be sure it’s something that you can be proud of.  Also, be willing to shop around.  I always go by the saying, “Good tattoos aren’t cheat and cheap tattoos aren’t good!”.  Don’t be afraid to look at the porfolio of the person that is going to tattoo you. Also, research who this person is and who he has tattooed before.. Most artists don’t mind you asking and are more than willing to give you references.  Ask LOTS OF QUESTIONS!! You need to know some thing about your tattoo. What is the healing time? How long do you need to leave the bandage on? Is there any medication that I should be using or what should I avoid doing while the tattoo is healing?  And most importantly, PAY ATTENTION DURING THE SESSION!!! You need to be aware of how this masterpiece is going to turn out. Let the Artist know if you do not like something. This is your body! And you are paying for this piece of art to endure the ages, you can decide what stays and goes! I can’t wait to get a new piece done! And I will be sure to post a picture of my new ink pride.

Love Always.