Sunday, June 16, 2013


I have witnessed something really disturbing today… It started off like any other day at work.  I get a Facebook notification that a friend of mine had tagged me in a video. I watch it and it is pretty funny! It was a fight video with a guy and a drag queen (?).  And that out of right field a torso, yes a freaking torso, came to jump into the fight. Maybe I am being mean by calling him a torso, it was a guy with no arms or legs hop out of a wheel chair that was off to the right side.  After watching this freak show, I was dicussing the video with a coworker.  He then asked if I had heard about the naked man that was attacking people at the BART station, to which I replied that I had not.  That, of course, meant that he had to send me the link. 

     Immediately upon pressing play the action was in full swing.  There was what appeared to be an African-American male with an afro and was completely asshole naked! I am not joking! He then proceed to stalk and pounce on a young female who was completely terrified, and it was that state of fear that he remain in the whole video. The Naked Man then proceeded to various gymnastic moves, flips, kicks, splits all around the BART station.During his reign of terror he attacks several other patrons, before laying down flat on the floor, making erratic movements and sounds.  (At this point a BART rider walking his bike, kicks the lunatic.)  The Naked Man gets up an then tries to attack more people, before the video is ended. 

    On the surface, this video is quite hilarious to witness his obvious decent into madness.  But if you dig deeper, you have to wonder, what does it all mean? The news is reporting that the man was on drugs, but I haven’t heard which type of drug he was on.  The is truly disturbing to me because we have seen a rise in cases like these. (Do I have to remind you of all the “zombie” cases that have appeared on television.) The fact that the drugs are having and even more negative effect on individuals is alarming. The cross melding of drugs are creating these “super” drugs that are causing people to lose their fucking minds.  Designer drugs are getting more and more popular. And with these new drugs, the doses needed to get to that level are getting smaller. But it seems that even though the doses are smaller, people seem to be ingesting  these designer drugs at larger that “recommended” amounts”. These drugs severally alter the mind, and cause episodes of extreme aggressive or eventually put you in a super agitated state.

     People are even saying that these new drugs are some sort of government testing. The government is experimenting on the American people by creating drugs for the use of making the public more servile and/or using the drugs for war applications.  It is no secret that in the past the government has used several types of drugs, hoping to use them during war. 

     If not drugs, then was else caused this man to act to erratic at the BART station?  If the man had a mental problem, these would also definitely explain his behavior. There are several mental illnesses that would cause an otherwise normal individual to lose his/her fucking shit.There are all too many incidents where someone who wasn’t right in the head has flipped out and caused damage to property, harm to other, or even harm to themselves. 

Whatever the case was, it’s is also frightening to see incidents like this where innocent and unsuspecting individuals get attacked.  Here is the video, finally, but I have to warn that is graphic and NSFW.

Love Always.