Saturday, June 22, 2013


It was a pretty hot day, but it is considerably cooler right now…. We went to the Sonoma Raceway today and did sit under the sun for a little while but not for very long. We even stopped off at the beach and walked the water’s edge as our puppy played with another Pug that was chasing the ball.

    And now we are home …. It so cool outside and it really doesn’t get too hot in my house.  The kids are in the Living Room playing my Xbox.  I am in my room, browsing the net for more conspiracy theories.  And then it fucking starts! The whining, the slight shoving, the aggravation…. The horror!  The kids start arguing! They have nothing to argue about! They are sitting in front of the FLAT SCREEN TV playing the XBOX while the cool breeze flows through the house and yet they will always find a reason to argue! Kids can be in the most optimal situations, and the slightest thing can tick them off!

     What started this spat you ask? I have no fucking idea! Why do birds sing? Why is tequila so fucking tasty?  These questions can’t even be answered by scientists.  I have twin teenagers and a 5 yr Old Diva.  It really doesn’t take much to set them off.  I can’t complain because they don't argue all the time.  But when they do, it’s equivalent to a cat scratching it’s claws on a chalkboard while Justin Bieber is playing in the back ground! I try to let the kids work on their differences on their own, but there are those moments that I have to be a “parent” and step in.  And sometimes I dread that shit!  Because there are those times that no matter what you say, you are always wrong because you didn’t “chose” the right child’s side. 

     Since having children of my own, I have long since apologized to my parents for all the whining, bitching, fighting, arguing, stomping, and bratty-ness that I had put them through as a child.  I figured that my parents have cursed me, much like the guy was cursed in Thinner or Drag Me To Hell.  And using that same horror movie logic, I thought apologizing and making things right would help… But NO! The curse continues on…. I can only curse these future demons with the same the children as they were as children! LOL

Love Always.