Sunday, June 9, 2013


Today it was 97 degrees where I live at.  And the next city over was 20 degrees cooler.  And it got me thinking about the summer time.  I really don’t like the summer. I so good on the heat and I cannot wait for the weather to cool off! I am so ready for it to be fall and winter already!!! However, I have the great benefit to live in the great state of California! There are no season here! It was 97 degrees, but by nightfall, we were all in sweats and jackets.  We dress in layers in this great state.  We start off with jeans, change to short and tank tops by the late morning or afternoon, switch to another pair of jeans and t-shirts, and in our comfy sweats and sweaters by the end of the night! I have grown use this.  We have to carry our jackets with us at all times because we do not know when the weather will change, but we do know it will change. I can’t ask for anything better. I love this state. I believe that we are the reason why girls across America wear shorts and Ugg boots. It’s mainly because we are wholly unsure of what the weather will fully be like, so like I said before, we dress in layers! I do have to admit that we do start a lot of fashion trends.  Mainly because I believe that living in California makes people more open.  We are a pretty open state.  And we do have a lot of original things. We are basically famous for our fusions of not only many cultures and beliefs but fusions of our food as well.  California is also famous for gold and gold rushes, our very talented sports teams, fires (especially during this fucking horrid season called “Summer”), the film industry, earthquakes, Naval bases, Redwood Trees, traffic, food, and diversity. Not to mention the insane amount of celebrities that call this state home. I really don’t know why I started this blog, maybe it was to bitch about the summer. Maybe it was to quiet my mind and convince myself to NOT movie halfway across the world in search of a place where it isn’t summer.  Either way, I love the state that I live in.  But I still HATE summer!

Love Always