Tuesday, October 12, 2010


“With your feet on the air and your head on the ground, try this trick and spin it….”-Pixies…


     I love this song. It’s my “go to” song. I’ve listened to it a thousand times. It’s the song I use when I need to get some thinking done. You know, when I need to flex that mind muscle sitting in my skull cavity. I’ve been so busy trying to help my friends and their problems. And it has had somewhat allowed me to put some many things into prospective. You never really know the answer to your own problems until someone you know is going through the same thing. And then all of a sudden you become Buddah. Seriously.

     For the last week I’ve been dealing with all kinds of issues with my friends and family. But I haven’t blogged about it. Instead I’ve had long conversations with my best friend. And it has become so clear to me that everyone I know is fucking crazy.  LOL There are some things that I will not give advice on or get involved with. Relationships are one of them. I will listen to your problems but please don’t ask me to tell you what to do. Because you and I both know that you will do what you want, regardless of what advice that I give. Also, with relationships, there are always two sides to every story, and believe me, both sides will VARY so much. And unless you were a fly on the wall when the argument or the situation happened, chances are you won’t be getting the whole story!! Sometimes bits and pieces are left out by accident, and, of course, bits and pieces are added to make their story better than the other’s story. Hey, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I will be there, but please don’t ask me what to do when it comes to a major decision regarding your relationship.

     I’ve learned that when it comes a friend calling me telling me that they’ve discovered a spouse cheating, I will always hear the story about why the Cheater cheated. And not once have I heard a good reason to cheat. Not once. If you feel you need to be with someone else then you need to break up with the person you are with. And it doesn’t make any sense to stay with someone who you hate so much or who hates you. Why would you subject yourself to violence, hate or disrespect. Cheating doesn’t make the situation better, it only complicates things. Plus, your friend is likely to get back with that person, especially if it’s a long term relationship. They have history together, and are more likely to forgive the person in a few days or so. Most people that call for your advice really just want you to agree with them. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY CALL ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP. No one really wants to hear the truth.

     So, do you REALLY want my advice? DON’T GET INVOLVED IN OTHER PEOPLE’S RELATIONSHIP. It only goes bad, and if you choose a side, you’ve already drawn battle lines in the sand. Inevitably, the other person that you don’t side with is going to have hurt feelings and possibly blame you for some of their problems. Plus they can turn on you real quick. I once told someone that they should leave an abusive relationship if they think that’s the right thing for them, and next thing you know I’ve got the Boyfriend calling and texting me blaming me for his Girlfriend leaving. Fuck that he beat the crap out of her and took her valuables! She ended up going back to him after a week, and she even blamed me for putting the idea in her, even though she was the one who mentioned it to me in the first place. So, I’ve learned my lesson. And that lesson is: DON’T GIVE YOUR FRIENDS RELATIONSHIP ADVICE.

Love always.