Tuesday, October 12, 2010


     Let me help some of you out. Obviously some people are confused about what exactly “survival” is. I’ve been forced to hear so many so called “survival” stories about people living on the streets. Listen people if your parents have their own houses and you just refuse to live at their place because you don’t want to follow their rules, you are not surviving. You are just being an ass. Surviving is when your parents (family) are abusive crack addicts who threaten to take your life and you run away and you run away to protect yourself but you end up living on the streets, then yes that’s surviving. But if you run away because your parents “love you too much” or you don’t want to follow their bothersome rules like coming home on time and not calling your mother a bitch, then no you aren’t a survivor but a spoiled brat who should have your ass kicked by real street dwellers. I had to sit and listen as someone told me that they were homeless but refused to go live with his parents because his mom wanted him to get a job, pay rent, and stop coming home at all hours. I just looked at him with a seriously confused look on my face. 

   I’m tired of you guys not taking advantage and neglecting what you have. If you’ve got a family that will bend over backwards to help you, you should utilize that. Do you know how many people would kill to have what you are neglecting. Fine, live on the streets and be stubborn.  But while you are there, I will be sending people over to your house to live in your spot. I’m sure your family would love to have someone there who would appreciate the things that they do for your dumb ass. There are people out there who have NO ONE to turn to and here you are trying to act like some charity case because your too lazy to get a job and help out around the house? I’m just tired of people bitching about what they got. Just remember no matter how bad your situation gets, there is always someone out there that is worse off that you. And here you are bitching that you don’t want to follow your parents rules, but you don’t want to get a job and move out? It doesn’t work that way.  Here’s a fair warning for you. By bitching to me about something  that is selfish and childish you now give me permission to bitch slap some sense into you.  I’m just saying.


Love always.