Monday, November 15, 2010

Gotta Give Thanks Again…. (Fuck You's)

I’ve written a thank you letter before dedicated to the complete idiots that help make our life better. So I’ve decided to write another thank you letter…. If you didn’t like the first one, you might not like this one. Chances are if you didn’t like the first one, you were part of the list or felt that I was directing it to you. All I have to say to that is, if the shoe fits….

1. Thank you to all the blatant racism that is flooding the media. And people are ok with that. Yes, even though some stereotypes come from truth, they are still racist. Is everyone really ok with racist characters like Dig’Em Smacks Frog or Aunt Jemima?

2. Thanks for douche bags of these Jersey based reality shows. I’ve always thought you were over injected, brainless, orange douche bags, but thanks to “reality shows” I’ve found out much more about you guys… Like that you like lots of hair gel and you are embarrassing to any REAL Italian family.

3. Thank you to the all the writers and editors of every “reality show.” Have you even stopped to ask yourself why reality shows need writers and editors? Because reality is fucking boring, that’s why.

4. Thanks to my Ex boyfriends for being an example…  An example of what I DON’T WANT in my life. I’m looking for the exact opposite of what you are.

5. Thank you to the selfish immigrants of Arizona for fucking it up for the other immigrants who just want to be left alone so they can clean our houses and be nannies. Seriously, you guys really need to listen to yourselves. You enter our country illegally, refuse to assimilate, drive illegally, accept our aid while bashing our country, but you’re demanding driver’s licenses and other goodies? WTF! You guy are straight up criminals. That’s like me breaking into a house, eating up their shit, bitching that they don’t have milk, then waking the homeowners up to ask for a ride home. 

6. Thank you to rappers for being a constant reminder of why I don’t want my daughters to date guys like you. “Have a baby by me, be a millionaire…”  I don’t think so 50 Cent.

7. I would like to thank Kat Stacks for being the example how I will work extra hard to keep my daughters off the pole. It’s bitches like you that disgust me. You have no pride or self worth. But hey, being a whore is your thing. So you go ahead and own it.

8. I cannot forget the thank the ever vigilant Activists and Activists Wannnabes, off somewhere sticking their nose in someone else’s business. There are problems here that we need to solve. There are homeless veterans of wars, and you really want me to sit and listen to you blab about how a cow is being mistreated somewhere in Tibet? Or how the Red Assed Baboon might go hungry because it won’t eat a certain type of fruit? Bitch please. How about I eat you instead of the cow, and then take the money you were collecting and give it to that starving homeless veteran you just walked passed.

9. Oh yeah I almost forgot those dumb ass parents who don’t take the time to educate their kids or teach them simple common courtesy or common sense. You want to do so much, so the tv becomes the babysitter and now your media induced psycho that you are breeding at home in the living room is going to be attending the same school as my daughters. Thanks for that.

10. Thank you to all you two-faced fake ass people that call yourself friends. OMG! If I have to have another “why me” conversation with someone I’m going to flip. Bitch you know why you. You really don’t want to hear the answer. But I’m gonna tell them to you anyway. No, he wasn’t gay, he just wasn’t into you. You’re single because you value the almighty dollar bill over his personality. You’re also a bitch, and not the good kind either.

11. Thank you to all those single bitches with unrealistic false expectations. “I want him to love me for me.” No you don’t bitch, that’s why he’s never seen you in sweats, you wake up extra early to put on make up, he’s never seen you without your make up, and you dye your hair the moment a gray hair pops up. “I want someone who listens” Why? Who wants to listen to you bitch and gossip about the people you call your friends. Who wants to listen to you gab all day and night about “reality” tv shows and lip gloss. Trust me, if you had ANYTHING interesting to say, he would listen.

Wooo! I said a moutfull huh? Crap. I might get some mean emails on this one! LOL It’s ok, some things just gotta be said!

Love Always.