Sunday, November 7, 2010




Abbie / Abe / Abie 
(North America) a Jewish male. From the proper name Abraham. Originated before the 1950s.
(UK)&(AUS) Childish term for "African Bum Cleaner", can also be "Aboriginal Bum-Cleaner" by Australians. Obviously meant as an insult to any non-white person but in children's playground slang it can refer to anyone.
(South Asians in the U.S.) "American-Born Confused Desi," a term used to refer to Indian Americans, Pakistani Americans or other South Asians, term as "desi," who were born in the United States. The condescending term is used chiefly by South Asian Immigrants to imply confusion about cultural identity.
Abo / Abbo 
(AUS) Australian Aboriginal person. Originally, this was simply an informal term for "Aborigine", and was in fact used by Aboriginal people themselves until it started to be considered offensive in 1950s. In remoter areas, Aboriginal people still often refer to themselves (quite neutrally) as "Blackfellas" (and whites as "Whitefellas"). Although "Abo" is still considered quite offensive by many, the pejorative "boong" is now more commonly used when the intent is to deliberately offend, as that word's status as an insult is unequivocal.
(U.S.) A pejorative term for whites, also a derogatory term for light skinned blacks used by darker skinned blacks. (see colorism)
Alligator bait 
(U.S.) also "Gator Bait." A black person, especially a black child. More commonly used in states where alligators are found, particularly Florida. First used in the early 20th century, although some hypothesize the term originated in the late 19th century.[6]
Alter kacker / alter kocker (Yiddish) / alter kucker / A.K. 
(North America) a disparaging term for elderly Jewish people. The term is of Yiddish origin (literally meaning old shitter). First used in the early 20th century.
An Anglo-Celtic Australian, possibly of convict lineage. Based on the belief that all Anglo-Australians are descended from convicts. Particularly offensive.
(North America) A white woman to a black person — or a black woman who acts too much like a white one. While Miss Ann, also just plain Ann, is a derisive reference to the white woman, by extension it is applied to any black woman who puts on airs and tries to act like Miss Ann.
(U.S.) a black person.
(North America) An American Indian (Native American) who is "red on the outside, white on the inside." Used primarily by other American Indians to indicate someone who has lost touch with their cultural identity. First used in the 1980s.
(UK) a native of Argentina (also Argie-bargie : any argument, disagreement, or (typically) sporting event involving Argentina or Argentinians), used by the British press during the Falklands War. First used in this way by Britain's The Sun newspaper in 1982. This was however merely a topical usage of a long-standing expression for contentious discussion.
Asian nigger 
An ethnic slur against Filipinos.
Aunt Jemima / Aunt Jane / Aunt Mary / Aunt Sally 
(U.S.) a black woman who "kisses up" to whites, a "sellout," female counterpart of Uncle Tom.


(North America; UK) An Asian person living in a Western country (e.g. an Asian American) who is "yellow on the outside, white on the inside." Used primarily by Asians to indicate someone who has lost touch with his or her cultural identity.
(U.S.) term widely regarded as derogatory, that refers to people of Mexican descent or, more specifically, mestizos of Central American descent. The term originates from the prevalence of frijoles pintos and other beans in Mexican food.
An offensive slur used by some United States white Southerners for an African-American perceived as being lazy and who refuses to work
Boche; bosche; bosch 
(France; U.S.; UK) a German [shortened from the French term caboche dure ("hard head", or stubborn).
(South Africa) farmer sometimes used as a derogatory term describing all white people 
Bog Irish
(UK, Ireland) a person of common or low class Irish ancestry
(North America) a person of east-central European descent. Originally referred to those of Bohemian (now Czech Republic) descent. Was commonly used toward Ukrainian immigrants during the early 20th century. See also hunky.
Boong / bong / bung
(Aus) Australian aboriginal. Related to the Australian English slang word bung, meaning "dead", "infected", "dysfunctional". From bung, to go bung "Originally to die, then to break down, go bankrupt, cease to function [Ab. bong dead]".[27] Highly offensive. [First used in 1847 by JD Lang, Cooksland, 430]
Boonga / boong / bunga / boonie 
(New Zealand) a Pacific Islander [alteration of boong].
Bounty Bar 
A Bounty chocolate bar, being composed of coconut coated with chocolate, is white on the inside and brown on the outside. As with "wigger", this is a both a subcultural and ethnic slur. The immediate target is criticized for having the cultural values of a different ethnic group, with the implication that the ethnic group in question is bad or inferior. "Coconut" and "Oreo" are used in the same way.
(U.S.) a. a person of mixed white and black ancestry; a mulatto. b. (U.S.) a young, brown-skinned person 1940s-1950s
a. black person.
b. (U.S.) a young, brown-skinned person 1940s-1950s


Camel Jockey
A slur against people of Middle-Eastern descent.
(Subcontinentals in Canada) - Canadian-Born Confused Desi - Similar to ABCD, but used for Canadian-born South Asians who are confused about their cultural identity.
a race-specific term used to describe Chinese immigrants in the United States, Canada and Australia during the 19th century. The term was widely used in the popular mass media of the day. The term is derived from their status as subjects of the Son of Heaven, the Chinese Emperor.
1) (African-American, 1960s-1970s) A mildly derogatory term used to refer to white people as a reified collective oppressor group, similar to The Man or The System. 2) (Vietnam War military slang) Non-pejorative slang term used by American troops as a short-hand term for Vietnamese guerrillas. Derived from the verbal shorthand for "Victor Charlie", the NATO phonetic alphabet for VC, the acronym for Viet Cong.[36]
Chee-chee, Chi-chi 
An Anglo-Indian or Eurasian half-caste [probably from Hindi chi-chi fie!, literally, dirt][37] Also can refer to English spoken with a Southwest Asian accent.
(Worldwide English) Chinese person, used in the gold rush and railway-construction eras in western North America, when discrimination against Chinese was common.[38] Though widely used historically without offensive intent, the term today generates controversy when still used in geographic places associated or resembling Chinese. Fowler's Dictionary of English Usage as late as 1956 describes it as the term for a Chinese person, whereas the term Chinese was only used as an adjective for things. Though it is widely used as an ironic self-reference by many North Americans of Chinese descent, and is still heard in the lyrics to the 70s song "Kung Fu Fighting" and The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift movie song "Tokyo Drift" by the Teriyaki Boyz, it tends to generate objections in modern times, especially in the US where Asian-American is the preferred nomenclature. (Note that in cricket, the term "chinaman" is used in a non-ethnic sense to refer to a left-handed bowler who uses a wrist spin action, and that a chinaman was also a type of 18th and 19th C. merchant ship, or a dealer in china ware.)
Cheese-eating surrender monkey
(UK, USA, Canada) A Frenchman, from the perceived proclivity of the French to surrender, and the huge variety of French cheeses available.[39]
Ching Chong
(U.S. and Canada) Mocking the language of or a person of perceived Chinese or East Asian descent. An offensive term which has raised considerable controversy when used by celebrities such as Rosie O'Donnell.[40]
(U.S., UK, and India) used to refer to people of perceived Chinese descent, and by extension for other East Asians. Considered extremely derogatory, although at least one US school proudly used the term as a sports mascot until the 1980s.[41]
(Latin American Spanish, USA) used in Latin America to refer to people of perceived Amerindian or Mestizo descent; used in the USA to refer to people of perceived Mestizo descent, especially teenagers and young people in the lowrider subculture. It may be derogatory depending on circumstances. Peruvian president Alejandro Toledo was nicknamed "el Cholo".[42]
refers to a person of Chinese heritage with white attributes whether being a personality aspect or physical aspect.[43][44]
Christ killer
a Jew, an allusion to Jewish deicide
(Canada) refers to an individual of aboriginal descent.[45]
(New Zealand) A Pacific Islander. Named after the coconut, the nut from the coconut palm.[46]
(UK) A black person who exhibits behavior associated with caucasians; (US) a black person trying to be 'white'.[47]
(South Africa) A black person who acts white[48]
(North America) unskilled Asian labor, usually Chinese (originally used in 19th-century for Chinese railroad labor). Possibly from Hindi kuli, day laborer.[49] Also racial epithet for Indo-Caribbean people, especially in Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and South African Indians.
(U.S. and U.K) a black person. Possibly from Portuguese barracão, a building constructed to hold slaves for sale (1837).[50][51] Popularized by the song "Zip Coon", played at Minstrel shows in the 1830s.
Coonass, or Coon-ass
(U.S.) a person of Cajun ethnicity.[52]
(U.S.) poor Appalachian or poor Southerner, a white person, first used in the 19th century.[53]
a black person,[54] spec. a black woman.
(U.S.) adjective: a person with slanted eyes (first used in the 1910s)[55]
(Australia, Africa, New Zealand) a person of East Indian origin.[56]


(UK and Commonwealth) Refers to Spaniards or Portuguese, possibly derived from the Spanish name, "Diego,"[57] or a corruption of the title Hidalgo (member of the Gentry, from Spanish > hijo d'algo "son of someone [important]"). 2) (U.S.) An Italian or person of Italian descent.[58]
Darky / darkey / darkie
noun. Used as a term for a black person, which may cause offence.[59] Randall Kennedy's Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word notes that some judges have considered "darky" a "term of endearment." See also Minstrel show. In South Africa, however, it is not considered either racist or offensive, but is quite acceptable [60]
an Asian, esp. a Vietnamese. Also used as a disparaging term for a North Vietnamese soldier or guerrilla in the Vietnam War. Origin: 1965–70, Americanism[61]
Dogan, dogun 
(CAN) Irish Catholic [19th century on; origin uncertain: perhaps from Dugan, an Irish surname].[62]
Dune coon 
(US) Derogatory term used for Arabs.[63]
noun. (1) 19th century on, Dutch being corrupted from the Pennsylvania German self-descriptive word Deitsch. Anyone of Germanic heritage (as with Anglo-Celtic Pennsylvanians) a Pennsylvania German; (2) (mid-19th century to 1920s) a foreigner, especially one who does not speak English well; (3) a bar keeper;[64] (4) anglophone South African whites, used for Afrikaner[65]


Eight ball 
A Negro; slang, usually used disparagingly[66]
A native North American from the northernmost inhabitable areas. In some areas it is considered pejorative, in others not, see "Eskimo" for details
(British) an Italian person; slang, usually used disparagingly. Originated through the mispronunciation of "Italian" as "Eye-talian." [67]


(Northern Ireland and west of Scotland Protestants) originally the name of a political movement, the Fenian Brotherhood, but now a derogatory term aimed at Catholics, especially those thought to sympathise with the IRA.[68]
(Western World) A derogatory term for Filipinos.[69]
Free Stater 
(Northern Ireland) a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, especially to Ulster Protestants. Also used by Irish Republicans to refer to Irish people who they believe are less than patriotic.[70]
(UK, France, Hungary ("fricc"), Poland [Fryc], Russia [фриц] ) a German [from Friedrich (Frederick)].[71]
(Canada, UK and US) A French person. Prior to 19th century, referred to the Dutch (as they were stereotyped as being marsh-dwellers). When France became Britain's main enemy, replacing the Dutch, the epithet transferred to them,[72][73] due to the French recipe for eating frogs' legs (see comparable French term Rosbif). Also used in Canada to refer to both the French and French Canadians, and occasionally incorrectly as more broadly to people from Quebec who are not, in fact, necessarily French or French speaking.[74]
(UK) Colonialist term used to refer to the Hadendoa warriors in the 19th Century. Not applicable in Australia, see Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels


a black person.[32][75]
(AUS) an Aboriginal woman.[76]
Gin jockey 
(AUS) a white person having casual sex with an Aboriginal woman. Pejorative. See also gin burglar[77]
A predominately UK expression which originally was a children's literature character and type of black doll but which eventually became to be used as a jibe against people with dark skins, most commonly Afro-Caribbeans.[78]
Gook-eye, Gooky, Gook
a derogatory term for Asians, used especially for enemy soldiers.[79] Its use as an ethnic slur has been traced to U.S. Marines serving in the Philippines in the early 20th century.[79][80] The earliest recorded example is dated 1920.[81] It gained widespread notice as a result of the Korean and Vietnam wars.[79]
Goy, Goyim, Goyum
A derogatory term used by Jews to described non-Jews. The first recorded usage of goy occurs in Genesis 10:5 and applies innocuously to non-Israelite nations.[82]
Greaser, Greaseball
(US 1930s - 1950s) Originally used for a person of Mexican-American descent but now usually refers to a person of Italian descent.[83] Derived from their habit of putting lots of pomade in their hair. Later extended in the 1950s to include the typical rocker / hot-rodder / biker and his Ducktail haircut.
a foreigner; especially used disparagingly against North Americans and North Europeans in Latin America. (from the Spanish word "griego", meaning Greek. The use of the term Greek for something foreign or unintelligible is also seen in the similar expression "it's Greek to me".)[84] The term lends itself to derogatory or paternalistic connotations, but in most of the contexts it may not be meant pejoratively.
(US) A black person. Offensive. Derived from "negroid".[85]
Gub, Gubba 
(AUS) Aboriginal pejorative term for white people[86]
Gweilo, gwailo, or kwai lo (鬼佬) 
(used in South of Mainland China and Hong Kong) A White man. Loosely translated as "foreign devil;" more literally, might be "ghost dude/bloke/guy/etc." Gwei means "ghost." The color white is associated with ghosts in China. A lo is a regular guy (i.e. a fellow, a chap, or a bloke).[87] Once a mark of xenophobia, the word is now in general, informal use[88] but still considered derogatory.
(US) An Italian-American male. Most of the times offensive. Derives from the Italian given name, Guido. Used mostly in the NYC Metro Area as a stereotype to working-class Italian-Americans.[89]
Guinea, Ginzo
A person of Italian birth or descent. Either refers to the custom of Italian men to wear gold jewelry like rings, neck-chains, and earrings or because they were swarthy-skinned like the natives of Guinea. The diminutive "Ginzo" probably dates back to World War II and is derived from Australian slang picked up by US servicemen in the Pacific Theater.[90]
Gypsy, Gyppo, gippo, gypo, gyppie, gyppy, gipp 
a. A Roma person . b. (UK and Australia) Egyptians.[91]


Hajji, Hadji, Haji
(US) Used by some U.S. servicemembers to describe Iraqis or Arabs. Refers to Hadji, boy-adventurer Johnny Quest's swarthy, white-turban clad, vaguely Southwest-Asian sidekick[citation needed]. Not to be confused with the honorific Al-Hajji, the title given to a Muslim who has completed the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).[92][93]
A derogatory term used to describe anyone who is mixed Native American (especially North American) and white European parentage. Métis is a French term for half-breed.
Half Caste 
(UK) Derogatory term against people who are born of mixed race.[94] Often shortened to 'Halfie'.
(US, Hawaiian) A non-native, used by Hawaiians mainly to refer to whites (less commonly to refer to non-Hawaiians). Can be used neutrally, dependent on context.[95]
Heeb, Hebe
(U.S.) offensive term for a Jewish person, derived from the word "Hebrew".[96][97]
(AUS) 19th century, Hindu. Often not offensive.[98]
Honky also spelled "honkey" or "honkie" 
(1) (U.S.) An offensive term for a white person. Derived from an African-American pronunciation of "hunky", the disparaging term for a Hungarian laborer. The first record of its use as an insulting term for a white person dates from the 1950s.[99]
House Nigger 
(U.S.) A derogatory term for affluent or highly educated African-Americans. Derived from the fact that African slaves who worked in the homes of their masters gained their favor, and were able to advance socially by reporting suspicious slaves and or activity.[100]
(U.S. and U.K.) 1) A derogatory term for Germans, especially German soldiers; popular during World War I.[101] Derived from a speech given by Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany to the German contingent sent to China during the Boxer Rebellion in which exhorted them to "be like Huns" (i.e., savage and ruthless) to their Chinese enemy. 2) An offensive term for a Protestant in Northern Ireland.[102][103]
(U.S.) offensive term for a Jewish person, derived from the personal name Hyman (from the Hebrew name Chayyim). Jesse Jackson provoked controversy by referring to New York City as "Hymietown" in 1984.[104]


Ikey / ike / iky 
a Jew [from Isaac][105]
Ikey-mo / ikeymo 
a Jew [from Isaac and Moses][106]
(Malaysia, Singapore) derogatory term for an Indonesian person.[107]
an offensive term for a Native American, corrupted "Indian".[108]


(US, especially during World War II) a Japanese soldier or national, or anyone of Japanese descent. Or Jewish-American princess.
(Commonwealth, especially during World War II) a. a German national. b. a German soldier [Probably an alteration of German].[109] Origin of Jerry can.
Jigaboo, jiggabo, jigarooni, jijjiboo, zigabo, jig, jigg, jigga, jigger 
(U.S. and UK) a black person (JB) with stereotypical Black features (e.g. dark skin, wide nose, and big lips).[110] Jiggaboo or jigabo is from a Bantu verb tshikabo, meaning meek or servile.[111] There might also be a historical connotation with peek-a-boo, boo boo, boogie and boogie man.
Jock, jocky, jockie 
(UK) A Scottish person, dialect form of personal name John. Occasionally used by the English as an insult.[112] but also in respectful reference to elite Scottish, particularly Highland troops, e.g. the 9th (Scottish) Division. Same vein as the English insult for the French, as Frogs.
Jungle bunny 
(U.S. and UK) a Black person.[113]


Kaffir, kaffer, kaffir, kafir, kaffre, kuffar 
(South Africa) a. a black person. Very offensive. Usage: Kaffir Boy was a famous autobiographical book by Mark Mathabane about his childhood in South Africa. (The South African Consul General in Lethal Weapon 2 calls Danny Glover a kaffir and Mel Gibson a 'kaffir lover'.) b. also caffer or caffre: a non-Muslim. c. a member of a people inhabiting the Hindu Kush mountains of north-east Afghanistan. Origin is from the Arab word kafir meaning infidel used in the early Arab Zanzibarian trading posts on the Indian Ocean coast in Africa to refer to the non-Islamic black people living in the interior of Africa. The term is still used as a pejorative by Islamists in such a context. The term passed into modern usage through the British because on early European maps Southern Africa was called by cartographers Cafreria (the name derived from the Arab word "kafir") and later Kaffraria. Thus the British used the term "kaffirs" to refer to the mixed groupings of people displaced by Shaka when he organized the Zulu nation. These groups (consisting of Mzilikaze, Matiwani, Mantatisi, Flingoe, Khoikhoi, and Xhosa peoples inhabited the region from the Cape of Good Hope to the Limpopo river) fought the British in the Kaffir Wars 1846–1848, 1850–1852, and 1877–1878.)[114][115] See also Kaffir (Historical usage in southern Africa)
Kike or kyke 
(U.S.) Derogatory term for a Jew. From kikel, Yiddish for "circle". Immigrant Jews signed legal documents with an "O" (similar to an "X").[116]
Kraut (from Sauerkraut
(North America and Commonwealth) Derogatory U.S. and British term for a German,[117] most specifically during World War II.


(US) A British person. Comes from the historical British naval practice of giving sailors limes to stave off scurvy.[118]


Mack, Mick, Mickey, Mickey Finn 
a. (Britain, Commonwealth and U.S.) an Irish person or a person of Irish descent. Mick is considered more offensive in the U.K. and U.S.. From the prefix "Mc"/"Mac" meaning "son of" that is commonly found in Irish surnames. b. (Australia) a Roman Catholic [19th century on, from Michael].[119]
(U.S.) a black woman, depicted as rotund, homely, and matronly[120]
a strongly offensive Bulgarian word, literally meaning "brazier", used to describe any dark-skinned individual, most often implying such of Gypsy, Hindu or Arab origin, and more rarely for other racial groups. The closest translation of "mangal" in English would be "sand nigger", "kaffir" or "pikey" / "piker". Mango is a variation of "mangal" and is used to represent all individuals of Roma origin (similar in use to Jerry for Germans), while mangasar is a further offensive name exclusively for Gypsies.
Milosh / Miloš 
(commonly Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia) an offensive term for a Serb, implying support of Slobodan Milošević, former president of FR Yugoslavia charged with crimes against humanity.
Mock / moch 
(U.S.) a Jew [first used in the 1960s as an abbreviated form of mocky (qv)][121]
Mocky / moky / moxy / mockey / mockie / mocky 
(U.S.) a Jew [first used in the 1930s][122]
(UK) a black person.[123]
Moulie / Moulignon 
Offensive word for a black person, used by Italians in US. It is a corruption of melanzane, the Italian word for eggplant.[124][125]
Munt / Munter 
(among whites in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia) a black person. Derives from muntu, the singular Bantu word for "person"[126] In the UK, the word means "ugly person", especially "ugly woman".[127]
Mustalainen (sing.)/Mustalaiset (pl.)
Derived from the Finnish word for "Black", it is a word for the Finnish Kale - a group of the Romani people that lives primarily in Finland and Sweden. It is nowadays sometimes considered an offensive term, and in common and official context romani is considered more appropriate (see [1]).
Muzzie / Mussie 
(Europe and US) A mildly offensive slang term for a Muslim.[128]


A term used to describe a young black person.[129]
(UK) a black person.[130] - note alternative original mildly derogatory meaning in the UK: "a novice; a foolish or naive person"[131]
Nigger / Niger / nig / nigor / nigra / nigre (Caribbean) / nigar / niggor / niggur / nigga / niggah / niggar / nigguh / niggress / nigette
(International) An American-English slur originally used to refer to black-skinned people, but developed a dual meaning in the late 20th century.
(U.S. and UK) A derogatory term for someone of Japanese descent (shortened version of Nipponese, from Japanese name for Japan, Nippon)[132]
Nitchie, neche, neechee, neejee, nichi, nichiwa, nidge, nitchee, nitchy 
(CAN) a North American Indian [From the Algonquian word for "friend"].[133]
Northern Monkey 
(UK) (See also Southern Fairy) Used as a pejorative in the South of England, relating to a perceived stupidity and lack of sophistication of those in the North of the country.[134] In some cases this has been adopted in the North of England, with a pub in Leeds even taking the name 'The Northern Monkey'.[135]


(AUS and NZ) Uncultivated Australian.[136] Also considered authentic and unaffected[citation needed].
(US) A racial slur for being black on the outside and white on the inside, hinted by the appearance of an Oreo cookie.[137]


(Primarily UK) an Irishman.[138] Derived from a nickname for Patrick. Often derogatory; however, Lord Edward FitzGerald, a major leader of the United Irishmen of 1798, proclaimed himself proudly "a Paddy and no more" and stated that "he desired no other title than this".
(United Kingdom) Used as a derogatory term directed towards South Asians (and sometimes Middle Eastern people), it is usually considered offensive when used by a non-Asian in the UK.[139][140]
Pancake Face, Pancake 
An Asian person[141]
Pepper or Pepsi
(Canada) a French Canadian or French-speaking Québécois[142][143] Derived from the Anglo-Canadian jibe that their stereotypically bad dental hygiene was due to drinking Pepsi or Doctor Pepper for breakfast.
a term – generally considered derogatory – that in English usage refers to black children, or a caricature of them which is widely considered racist.
Pikey / piky / piker 
(Britain) Derived from "turnpike". a. Irish Traveller, b. Gypsy, c. an itinerant or vagrant lower-class or poor person. Sometimes used to refer to an Irish person [19th century on].[144]
Pocho / pocha 
(Southwest U.S., Mexico) adjective: term for a person of Mexican heritage who is partially or fully assimilated into American culture (literally, "diluted, watered down (drink); undersized (clothing)").[145] (See also "Chicano")
a Pole or a person of Polish origin,[146] from the Polish endonym, Polak (see Name of Poland). Note: the proper Swedish demonym for Polish people is polack[147] and the Norwegian equivalent is polakk.[148]
Pom, Pohm, Pommy, Pommie, Pommie Grant 
(AUS/NZ/SA) a British (usually English) immigrant. Some claim it derives from "Prisoner of Mother England" or "Prisoner of Her Majesty", but it probably derives from pomegranate, rhyming slang for "immigrant".[149] It is often used irreverently and is usually considered offensive. Many such migrants to Australia call themselves "ten pound poms", because they paid ten pounds for their passage to Australia between 1945 and 1972 under an assisted migration scheme. Often combined with an adjective, particularly whingeing pom, a reference to migrants who complained about their adopted country. Often used in a sporting (especially cricket and rugby) context, with liberal use of 'pom' and 'Aussie' being used by the media; the term is often seen as unoffensive in this context, and instead as light-hearted banter by those who use it, but still possibly as offensive by those whom it is directed at[citation needed].
Porch monkey 
a black person[150] referring to perceived common behavior of groups hanging out on front porches or steps of urban apartment complexes in U.S. cities.
a person of Portuguese ancestry, especially those from the Azores. Used in the U.S. and Hawaii.[151][152]
Prairie nigger 
A Native American[153]


a black person.[32] From the West African name Kwazi, often given to a child born on a Sunday[75]


an ethnic slur used against Arabs, Indian Sikhs and some other peoples, denigrating them for wearing traditional headdress such as turbans or keffiyehs.[154] Sometimes used generically for all Islamic nations. See Towel head.
In the US, the term is offensive to many, and refers to Southern laborer-class whites.[155]
a controversial term referring to Native Americans, used in the names of multiple sports teams.[156]
(English-speaking Asians) a white or non-Asian person.[157]
Russki, Russkie 
disparaging when used by foreigners for "Russian"[158] (actually, these are transliterations of the Russian "Русский" (in Russian pronounced: Rooskiy) for "Russian" and the spelling Russkiy is almost always in a literary context. "Russki" in Russian simply means someone who is an ethnic Russian as opposed to a minority nationality within the Russian Federation.)


(Wales) Occasionally derogatory words used by the Welsh to refer to an English man/woman. They are the singular forms of the Welsh word for the English: Saeson, i.e. Saxon. (See Sassenach for Scottish derivative)[citation needed]
(U.S.) a derogatory term for an African American, Black, or sometimes a South Asian person.[159]
Sand nigger 
An ethnic slur against Arabs.[160]
(Scotland) - An English person, Gaelic for "Saxon", or a Lowland Scot when used by a Highlander.[161]
(England, archaic) - A Scottish person, local variant of Sandy, short for "Alexander".[162]
(US) A Jew.[163] From the Yiddish word schmatte, meaning "rag". Either derived from a) the yamulka (skullcap) worn on their heads and the tallit(prayer shawl) around their necks or b) because they were mostly employed as tailors and clothiers, the "rag trades".
A Yiddish derogatory term for someone of African descent.[164]
Seppo, Septic 
(Australian/British) An American. (Cockney rhyming slang: Septic tankYank)[165]
(Ireland) A pejorative term for the Travelling Folk. Derived from siúilta, which means "The Walkers" in Erse Gaelic.
Shiksa (Yiddish) 
a pejorative term, mostly in North America, for a non-Jewish woman. Derived from the Hebrew root Shin-Qof-Tzadei (שקץ), meaning loathsome or abomination. Most commonly used to refer to a non-Jewish woman who is dating or married to a Jewish man.[82]
Shkutzim (Yiddish) 
a pejorative term used by Jews against non-Jewish men, especially those perceived to be anti-Semitic.[82]
Skip /Skippy
(Aus) a person of Anglo-Australian decent.[166]
Slant-eye, Slant 
pejorative term for a person of Far Eastern origin (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese etc.) Derived from the term for those who have epicanthic folds[167]
Slope, slopehead, slopy, slopey 
(U.S. and Aus) a person of Asian (in Australia, especially Vietnamese; in America, especially Chinese) descent.[168]
Smoked Irish / smoked Irishman 
(U.S.) 19th century term for Blacks (intended to insult both Blacks and Irish).[32]
A black person [originated in the U.S. in the 1950s][169]
Southern Fairy 
(UK) (See also Northern Monkey) A term used in the North of England referring to a perceived pretension and 'softness' of those in the South of the country. The North of England has traditionally been more industrial, where as the South has traditionally been based around the service industries, meaning that occupation, lifestyle, interests and mannerisms fueled this perception. In some cases the term has been adopted by those in the South of England and has been mercandised to some extent.
A black person,[170] recorded since 1928 (OED), from the playing cards suit.
A term used for an African American, or other person of African descent.[171]
Spic, spick, spik, spig, or spigotty 
(U.S) a. a person of Hispanic descent, or a person of actual or presumed Puerto Rican origin whether or not of Hispanic descent. Use of the word is often perceived as extremely offensive if used by a person not of Latino descent in any context. Origin uncertain. First recorded use in 1915. Theories include from "no spik English" (and spiggoty from the Chicano no speak-o t'e English), but common belief is that it is an abbreviation of "Hispanic" b. the Spanish language.[172] In the UK this term is more commonly used towards people of Italian/Mediterranean descent rather than Hispanics.
A black person,[173] attested from the 1940s.[174] This particular slur plays a pivotal role in the novel The Human Stain and the film based on it.
(US Midwest) A German. Derived from the shape of their heads when their hair is closely cropped in a Prussian-style buzz cut.
(U.S. and CAN) Often offensive term for female Native American.[175] Derived from lower East Coast Algonquian (Massachuset: ussqua),[176] which originally meant "young woman", but which took on strong negative connotations in the late 20th century (see article). (The equivalent derisive for a male is "buck", and for a child, "papoose".)
Sucker fish
An term used ambiguously in southern Oregon directed towards the Klamath Indians during a dispute over the sucker fish of the Klamath River which was considered sacred by the tribe. Troublemakers displayed bumper-stickers with the message "Save a Farmer, "Fillet a sucker fish"[177]
Swamp Nigger
An offensive term for Native Americans in North Carolina.[177]


(Ireland) A British person, a derogatory term for British people, derived from the black and tans who were a brutal force sent to Ireland to crush Irelands quest for freedom from the British empire.[178]
Taffy or Taff 
(UK) a Welsh person. First used ca. 17th century. From the River Taff or the Welsh pronunciation of the name David (in Welsh, Dafydd).[179] Children's rhyme: "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief". Generally considered offensive[citation needed] when used by an English person, although it has appeared in such family-friendly series as Dad's Army, where it was used as a lighthearted nickname.
Taig (also Teague, Teg and Teig)
a vitriolic slur used by loyalists in Northern Ireland for members of the nationalist/Catholic/Gaelic community. Derived from the Gaelic version of Ted, a nickname for Edward.[180][181][182]
Tar baby
(UK; U.S.; and N.Z.) a black child.[183]
(British) A black person. [19th century][184]
(Southern Scotland) somebody from the north of Scotland or rural Scottish areas. Used as a derogatory term to cause offense.[185]
(UK) a black person.[32]
Timber nigger 
An ethnic slur against Native Americans.[160]
Tinker / tynekere / tinkere / tynkere, -are / tynker / tenker / tinkar / tyncar / tinkard / tynkard / tincker
a. (Britain and Ireland) an inconsequential person (typically lower class); (note that in Britain, the term "Irish Tinker" may be used, giving it the same meaning as example b.)
b. (Scotland and Ireland) a Gypsy [origin unknown - possibly relating to one of the 'traditional' occupations of Gypsies as travelling 'tinkerers' or repairers of common household objects][186]
c. (Scotland) a member of the native community previously itinerant (but mainly now settled) who were reputed for their production of domestic implements from basic materials and for repair of the same items, being also known in the past as "travelling tinsmiths". The slur is possibly derived from a reputation for rowdy and alcoholic recreation. Often wrongly confused with Gypsy/Romany people.
Touch of the tar brush 
(British) derogatory descriptive phrase for a person of predominantly Caucasian ancestry with real or suspected African or Asian distant ancestry.[187]
Towel Head 
A slur intended to be used against Arabs. See Raghead.


Ugly American
An epithet common internationally as an insult directed at a citizen of the United States, common usage is against tourists and travellers along with US corporate businesses in the particular area.
Uncle Tom
A pejorative for an American black person who is perceived as behaving in a subservient manner to white authority figures.


Waki / Whacki 
A term common in the UK used to describe Asian people who act like white people or vice-versa. Term comes from blending the words "White" and "Paki", in the way the term "Whigger" is formed.
West Briton / Westbrit 
(Ireland) is for an Irish person who has sympathies toward Britain, or who imitates the British. Possibly comes from Sinn Féin ideal of Arthur Griffith for dual monarchy, Ireland was to be a West Britain.[188]
(US) A derogatory term for a Latino person. Originally applied specifically to Mexican migrant workers who had crossed the Rio Grande border river illegally to find work in the United States, its meaning has since broadened.[189]
White Nigger / Wigger / Whigger / Wigga
(US) Used in 19th-century United States to describe the Irish. Sometimes used today in reference to white people in a manner similar to white trash or redneck.[190] Also used to describe white youth that imitate urban black youth by means of clothing style, mannerisms, and slang speech. The 'w' at the start of wigger refers to the white person and the 'igger' refers to nigger, which is a racial slur for black people. Also used by radical Québécois in self-reference, as in the seminal 1968 book White Niggers of America.
A term for a Caucasian, commonly used in a derogatory manner.[191]
(UK and Commonwealth) A generic term for any swarthy or dark-skinned foreigner. Possibly derived from "golliwogg"[192] In Britain, it usually refers to dark skinned people from Asia or Africa, though any truly xenophobic Englishman knows that "the Wogs begin at Calais". Wog is also a backronym for Worthy Oriental Gentleman. In Australia the term "wog" is usually used to refer to New Zealanders (Pacific Islanders), Mediterranean Europeans (Spaniards, Italians, and Greeks), Eastern Europeans (Macedonians, Serbians, Croatians, or Albanians), and Near Eastern or Middle Eastern people (Turks, Arabs and Persians).
(North America and UK) A racial term for anyone of Italian descent, derived from the Italian dialectism, "guappo," close to "dude, swaggerer" and other informal appellations, a greeting among male Neapolitans.[193]


Yam-Yam / Yam Yam 
A mocking term used for natives of the Black Country in England. It is based on their strong accents.
Shortened form of Yankee; English-speaking countries outside the United States use it as a derogatory term for Americans.[194]
Designating or pertaining to an Asian person, in reference to those who have a yellowish skin color.[195]
Disparaging term for a Jew, although it is an endonym among Yiddish-speaking Jews.[196]


Zog Lover 
Used by white nationalists to describe an Aryan who is subservient to the Jews ("Zog"=Zionist Occupation Government).[197]
Zipperhead, Zip 
Coined by American soldiers as a term for North Koreans during the Korean War.[citation needed] Used in the films Full Metal Jacket and Gran Torino.