Friday, November 26, 2010

My dream job...

I've always wanted to work at one of those old style movie theatres. Changing the marquee everyday and the sound of the movie reel flying at incredible speed. Being a movie fan from birth, i have always wanted to own or possibly work at one of these grand theatres. Movie theatres instill happiness and joy. Movies have a way of creating emotions and memories. One of my favorite places to go is the movie theatre. That in itself is an experience. The excitement of looking too see what is playing, even though you already know what you are going to see. Then there is the trip to the concession stand. There are so many choices nowadays, depending on which theatre you go to. But I like to keep it classic with buttery popcorn. Then there is the walk to the room where ur movie of choice is playing. The flashing lights, the sounds of the ushers and arcades, all part of the experiencd. Now you have to choose where to sit! I love sitting directly in the middle, where the screen is the perfect distance. When the lights dim and the previews start, I get this wicked, joyful smile that tugs at the corners of my mouth until it stretches from ear to ear. Because a hush begins to sweep across the audience and we are about to be transported to another realm, time, or galaxy. But when the feature film starts it is unlike any other high. Different and yet familiar every time I visit the theatre. For two hours, I am a zombie slayer, action hero, or ninja. For two hours I am drama and stress free. And when it is over, I'm back to earth, back in my time. And then I go home and contimplate about my adventure. So now you understand my love of movies and why it would be my dream job. LOVE ALWAYS