Sunday, November 7, 2010


   I’ve been so  bored lately…. I’m really trying hard not to get into trouble. But I really can’t help it. Thank god for the wonderful crazy people in my life that I have adopted at friends, thank god for HULU and Netflix, and thank god for people who are crazier than me to keep me entertained. There has been so much craziness that I don’t even know where to begin. So I will start off with some questions that I’ve been asked…

Where have I been? Why weren’t blogs posted? Well, folks, I do have a personal life. I’m not chained to my computer. Ha! That actually made me laugh! I don’t got much of a personal life, mainly because I hate people and I hate the real world.

Why did I start growing my hair back? Actually it’s not permanent. I just want to see how long I can grow it before I get sick of it.

Can I have nude pics of you? No, not for free anyway.

Do I have a boyfriend? No, I can’t stand people most of the time. And the thing about having a boyfriend is that they are worse than kids and puppies. At least with kids and puppies they eventually grow up and leave. I’m just kidding. I just don’t want one right now. I’m having fun being myself and exploring the world.

What’s my favorite fetish? I actually have a foot and shoe fetish. Duh! Have you not read any of my blogs.

Am I a lesbian? No, I hate women. Sounds weird, I know, being that I am a girl. But women gossip too much and like to start too much drama. Besides I could never imagine dating another woman like me, I might kill that sarcastic bitch in her sleep.

Would it be possible to get a pair of your panties? No, not for free! Dammit make me an offer and I will mail you some. LOL.

Do you speak any languages besides English? Yes, I speak spanish and sarcasm fluently. Gets me into LOTS of trouble.

What’s your favorite type of drink? ALCOHOL. I love Tequila and vodkas. But if you’re offering to buy me a drink I will take anything that doesn’t have roofies in it or “gay-juice” in it.

What’s your bra size? 36C, but when I get my boob  job I want Double D’s. Stripper size. In fact, that’s exactly what I’m gonna tell the surgeon. “Hey doc give me the size that will earn me the most tips while on stage!”

What kind of guys do I date? Judging from my ex boyfriends, apparantly only assholes.

Can I please have nude pics of you? You are a persistant bastard!

What your nationality? I’m made out of 100% pure milk chocolate and caramel. But if I absolutely had to check a box, I guess it would be black.

I’m outside your window. Wait…. that wasn’t a question.

Why do I shave my head? Mainly because I’m a neurotic, anxious, basket case.  And I love the shape of my head.

My boyfriend is cheating on me, what should I do? Umm… Leave him, sounds like a plan to me.

I’m cheating on my girlfriend, what should I do? Dude, she knows. She emailed me yesterday.

What are your hobbies? Blogging, stalking, sexual harassment, tech stuff, computers, and my Xbox 360 who is named Edgar.

I’m in your closet…. Wait, You just said you were outside my window!

Well, I think that’s enough questions for today. Hope I answered your question, and if I didn’t it doesn’t mean I don’t like you… Yes it does, actually. Just kidding.

Love Always.