Tuesday, April 19, 2011


And here I go again. I feel like I need to apologize…. People seem to be easily offended over nothing. And it totally seems like people would rather bitch at what is wrong with their lives or what is wrong in this world instead of doing something about it. So I’m going to apologize….

I’m sorry that I didn’t have a fucked up childhood like you did. Yeah I know it’s weird that I can research all this fetish stuff online and yet I had a wonderful childhood. My daddy wasn’t a drunk, and my mommy never beat me, and no uncle ever touched me.. So look elsewhere, when you are trying to explain me and what I say or do.

I’m sorry you have to beg for followers and friends. I personally don’t care if people follow me on twitter or send me friend requests on Facebook. I’m completely satisfied with the number of real life people that actually knew me in high school, and not to mention, I am perfectly satisfied with the number of people that I have strictly for the purpose of Farmville. (Don’t give me no shit, about that game. Its addictive. Just shut up and send me a gift.) Unlike your attention starved ass, people have to go online and put #followback or “follow me and I follow back” on their twitter posts. And it is so damn annoying. And those usually are the same people who get upset about losing a few followers. Really? Someone doesn’t like what you have to say and you start bitching? wow.

I’m sorry I’m an american who totally utilizes her right to free speech. Yes, I say some fucked up twisted things sometimes, but dammit, it’s my american right. And yeah, America is looking bad in the media lately but that doesn’t mean I’m jumping ship and becoming Canadian anytime soon.

I’m sorry I have common sense. And I use it every day. I’m sorry. Now a days it seems like people are ignoring this simple and easy to follow sixth sense, if you will. There is something inside all of us that tells us when we shouldn’t do things. However, some of us decide that they don’t have to listen. Because we all know that drinking and driving has always proved safe, right?

I’m sorry you mistake my sarcasm for sincerity.(Mainly because you don’t know what sarcasm means…) Because you ARE a genius. And yes you ARE totally my type.

I’m sorry my parents love me. Yep, I’m pretty much spoiled. And they’ve always supported me. That means, I’m a bitch because people irritate me and not because my parents didn’t love me.

I’m sorry I don’t’ do drugs and I think you’re disgusting for doing them. Seriously, do I even have to go further. Drugs are gross, and they make you look gross. Why on earth would you PAY for something that gives you insomnia, makes you pick at your face, and you become physically addicted to the point that you can’t function without it? Ugh! Yuck. Battery acid does the same thing to your body and I don’t see you rushing to snort that… Or maybe you are… I don’t know what the kids are snorting these days.

I’m sorry I love my children. ??? How dare I show them affection and put them before myself? I’m sorry for not being like you selfish sperm and egg donors. Because I don’t use my children as a means to get people to visit me, I don’t beat them, and I’ve NEVER left them by themselves to go  out and party.

I’m sorry I don’t speak your language. Considering this is AMERICA, I didn’t think it was necessary for ME to speak 100 different languages just to be able to  get shit done in a supermarket.

I’m sorry I just don’t like Justin Bieber. I just don’t I understand it. My kids love him, but whatever.

I’m sorry I find Family Guy fucking hilarious. I really don’t need you judging me or giving me your opinion on the show when a) you don’t watch it b) you repeatedly ask if they can understand the baby  and c)you don’t understand the pop culture references. And yes, I’m an awful parent because my kids watch it and they think it’s hilarious, too.

I’m sorry you have a stick up your ass. My ass is empty, go ahead and check. It 2011 and pretty much the internet has unleashed a bunch of knowledge upon us. And we can access whatever we want. Everyone should be open about everything now because “not knowing” isn’t an acceptable excuse anymore. And everyone is pretty much mixed with some other race. Pretty soon we will all be porn watching, spam deleting, gay marriage supporting, butter-scotch complexion having fools. Yep I said it.

I guess what I’m saying is that I’m sorry you suck. I’m sorry that you are so bitter that you have to ruin the lives of other people around you. Instead of doing good or being happy for others, you would rather create groups, chats, fake facebook accounts, etc., all just to tell people how much you hate them. Wow. I’m sorry you suck, your life sucks, and you have no friends. I’m sorry that I fucking kick ass! LOL

Love Always.