Sunday, March 31, 2013


Sometimes I find myself staring endlessly at this damn screen..
I have seen all types of videos, gifs, jpegs, and have read some of the most interesting stories and articles. But it all remains the same. My insomnia. I have been getting rest, but damn I have to be honest that I am the most creative late nights. I have some of the best ideas while either laying awake or surfing the net during the trolling hours.  Me and Sleep are casual acquaintances.  I envy you people that can lay your heads down on the pillows and fall fast asleep. Me on the other hand, I have to lay awake watching TV or surfing the net until the early hours of the morning. HA! But, I can safely say that the time flies when I am surfing the net.  So much to see. It also helps that I have friends  that also have insomnia and I have friends all around the world. It's morning somewhere around the world.
  What do I want to write about tonight? LOLcats?  Beheading or terrorists around the world? I most likely will write about the Government and my wonderful conspiracy theories. Funny because I don't really like calling them "Conspiracy Theories". However, I have to use that term until this "theories" or ideas have been proven. I have found many sites and groups that share my beliefs, but I can always take more suggestions. I encourage anyone to send me links based on anything. I basically will research or investigate any subject as long as it seems interesting.   What am I researching right now? I am looking up some alternative news that includes aliens & paranormal activies (not the movies LOL). I am also heavily studying Illuminati and Occult symbolism.  This topic alone take up lots of my time.
    So keep an eye out for my posts. I may or may not write an article, but I do post up links so you can follow along. I speak like I am speaking to people or making some sort of warning diary.  I find it funny sometimes. I don't know if anyone ready my blogs any more, or even if anyone ever has. But I need to post to get the ideas out of my head. There is no schedule, just sporadic moments of genius. It is so relaxing to be able to say whatever is on your mind or share what you are viewing online. In actuality, I don't care if anyone reads anything I write. It's not really for anyone in particular, but just a way for me to document my sanity, or lack there of. 
   So enjoy what you are reading, at least I have made a statement that at one time in my life, I have been blunt and truly honest with out the fear of criticism.  This is the Diary of the Insomniac and I truly don't give a fuck.

Love Always,.