Sunday, March 31, 2013


Maybe sleep now..

Maybe sleep now after this episode of The Cult... Hey, I also have some Fringe to watch.
Maybe sleep now after I add these movies to my instant queue... I can't wait to watch that German horror..
Maybe sleep now after I see if Crackle updated those animes... Don't forget to watch Wolverine anime.

Maybe sleep now after one more round of Team Deathmatch on Call of Duty....I finished in top 3.
Maybe sleep now after one more article on Before It's News... More alternative news with proof of alien abductions...
Maybe sleep now after one more creature on God Of War.. I am so close to killing these snake fuckers.
Maybe sleep now after one more shot of Tequila...  My favorite mistress.
Maybe sleep now after one more beer... Ice cold Corona to chase the tequila.
Maybe sleep now after one last cigarette... What's better after a shot and a beer.

Maybe sleep now after checking my Facebook... Oh look someone left a comment...
Maybe sleep now after I tweet this... Yay! I got more followers.
Maybe sleep now after one more blog... Did I remember to write about those videos?
Maybe sleep now after a snack.. Mmmm barbecue burgers are calling my name.

Maybe sleep now after I use the restroom...All those beers go straight through me...
Maybe sleep now after I plug up my phone... Oh crap I got some text messages to reply to..
Maybe sleep now after I put on my PJ's... Boxers and an Avengers shirt..

Maybe sleep now after I change my doggy's puppy pad.. Can't have her pissing on the floors.
Maybe sleep after I check on the kids... Quiet my mind by making sure they are breathing..
Maybe sleep now after I check the locks.. Gotta make sure no one is coming in or killing us in our sleep...

Maybe sleep now after I go in the room.... Damn, I got in the bed and didn't turn off the light..
Maybe sleep now after I get under the covers... Did I set my alarm?
Maybe sleep now after I snuggle up to my boyfriend... He is so warm..

Maybe sleep now after I lay my head down on the pillow..

RING RING RING RING... Oh shit, goddamn alarm... It's already 6 am!


Geez man! My mind goes on wild tangents... I constantly think of weird theories and scenarios.  The mind is a crazy place. I wonder what people think when they do these crazy things.

Why did the shooter in Colorado go to a movie theatre where Dark Knight was playing?  They say it was a false flag event to help push the agenda to ban some guns.

Why do females put themselves out there so much?  I see so many females that claim they are independent, but still hang on every word that every dude says. They cling to the likes or dislikes of their little Facebook pages. I've seen females chase down guys that don't even care of them.  Can't you see that he doesn't care about you.  And look at what you are doing?

Why is all the music on the radio about the same shit?  Every song is about going out to the club and taking drugs. I can barely stand to listen to the radio anymore. I don't know even when the last time I bought a fucking album. Why buy anything when I can hear it played ten thousand times on the fucking radio! Molly is the new drug that rappers seem to mention all over the songs.

Why does everything have to be about making money? There is nothing wrong with making your own dinero, but is it that serious that women now let themselves be embarrassed and disrespected?  I want everyone, man and woman, to make their own bread.  And as a strong female, I always have mine money.  So a man with bread is not my goal. A man with a heart and drive that makes his own money is important to me.  That way we BOTH can contribute to a life together.

Does everything have a fucking Dubstep remix? Jesus Christ! I was scrolling through Google Play to see what new music there is, and ever other song listed has a remix by Scrillex or some other Dubstep DJ.

Do you idiots know that Reality TV has nothing to do with REALITY? I hope and pray to god that you sheeple honestly don't believe that people act like this in real life. I can't believe that people like Kim Kardashian (or any other fucking Kardashian) are considered famous for doing absolutely nothing.  But if we are being honest, Kim is actually famous for being a celebrity whore. This bitch has slept with hella people and has yet to prove she has a single fucking talent..... Except sleeping with black dudes that are famous... Wait I am wrong she does have a talent, and that is laying on her back.

Will people stop using the word "RATCHET"? I hear this damn word so much that I am starting to hear it in my sleep.  And we all know that I don't get much sleep. So when I finally do close my eyes, I don't want to have my poor exhausted mind infected by this damn word. According to URBAN DICTIONARY, the definition is as follows:

"Meaning wretched in the afro-american derivation of the English language."  (Personally, just for shits and giggles, I would like to thank the contributor of this definition on this page. His name is: NIGGAZGOHARD. lol  )

This is just some of the shit that is on my mind right now... Maybe I will post more of my rantings later..

Love Always.


I am watching this Video by MARK DICE  and in it  he discusses Jay Z and claims about raping children. Before you try to guess, please watch this video.  This shit is cray...


And now all of a sudden I have a fear of sloths... LOL




That's right. Despite their uncanny resemblance to some baboons, these are actually two distinct types of orchids: Dracula simia and Dracula anthracina.
According to the University of British Columbia's Botanical Garden and Centre For Plant Research, Dracula simia translates to "little dragon monkey." It was named in 1978 and grows between 3,280 and 6,560 feet above sea level in forests in southeast Ecuador. Its name comes in part from its cape and fang-like resemblance, evocative of the Count Dracula character from the Bram Stoker classic/.


Sometimes I find myself staring endlessly at this damn screen..
I have seen all types of videos, gifs, jpegs, and have read some of the most interesting stories and articles. But it all remains the same. My insomnia. I have been getting rest, but damn I have to be honest that I am the most creative late nights. I have some of the best ideas while either laying awake or surfing the net during the trolling hours.  Me and Sleep are casual acquaintances.  I envy you people that can lay your heads down on the pillows and fall fast asleep. Me on the other hand, I have to lay awake watching TV or surfing the net until the early hours of the morning. HA! But, I can safely say that the time flies when I am surfing the net.  So much to see. It also helps that I have friends  that also have insomnia and I have friends all around the world. It's morning somewhere around the world.
  What do I want to write about tonight? LOLcats?  Beheading or terrorists around the world? I most likely will write about the Government and my wonderful conspiracy theories. Funny because I don't really like calling them "Conspiracy Theories". However, I have to use that term until this "theories" or ideas have been proven. I have found many sites and groups that share my beliefs, but I can always take more suggestions. I encourage anyone to send me links based on anything. I basically will research or investigate any subject as long as it seems interesting.   What am I researching right now? I am looking up some alternative news that includes aliens & paranormal activies (not the movies LOL). I am also heavily studying Illuminati and Occult symbolism.  This topic alone take up lots of my time.
    So keep an eye out for my posts. I may or may not write an article, but I do post up links so you can follow along. I speak like I am speaking to people or making some sort of warning diary.  I find it funny sometimes. I don't know if anyone ready my blogs any more, or even if anyone ever has. But I need to post to get the ideas out of my head. There is no schedule, just sporadic moments of genius. It is so relaxing to be able to say whatever is on your mind or share what you are viewing online. In actuality, I don't care if anyone reads anything I write. It's not really for anyone in particular, but just a way for me to document my sanity, or lack there of. 
   So enjoy what you are reading, at least I have made a statement that at one time in my life, I have been blunt and truly honest with out the fear of criticism.  This is the Diary of the Insomniac and I truly don't give a fuck.

Love Always,.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


***The following was borrow from: Scariest Movie Ever Made

The Phantom Clown Outbreak. SCARY true story about Clowns across the country grabbing kids!!!

by Scariest Movie Ever Made (Notes) on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 6:57pm
In 1981 there was a national wave of clowns in vans, trying to kidnap children, from Boston to Kansas City.

The encounters began in May of 1981, in Boston, Brookline, and other Massachusetts communities. By the end of the month, the local newspapers in Kansas City were publishing warnings about "Killer Clowns" said to be after children at bus stops there.

During an era before emails and the Internet, I was able to discover, via my network of correspondents, that a rash of local news articles were appearing across the USA, describing similar abduction scenarios. Although the national newspapers and wire services were totally unaware of the widespread nature of such accounts, the stories were remarkably alike. I called them the "Phantom Clowns."

Repeats of almost identical Phantom Clown encounters have been recorded since 1981. The latest one is now developing in Illinois.

The reports coming from Chicago have even been tied to a Wicker Park, which has a symbolic name linked to New York City's Son of Sam killings of 1976-1977. In letters to the media, the serial killer signed himself as "The Wicked King Wicker" and allegedly shoot a Wicker Street German shepherd.

In the October 2008 incidents, a man wearing clown make-up and a wig is using balloons in an attempt to lure children into his vehicle on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois. Police issued an alert about a week after a man with a similar description was spotted on the West Side.

The near abductions were reported in the 8300 block of South Mackinaw and the 10000 block of South Normal, according to a community alert by Calumet Area detectives.

The man, who wears clown make-up and a wig, approached children with balloons attempting to lure them into his vehicle, but the children ran and called 911, the alert said.

The man, who wears a clown mask or white face paint with teardrops on the cheek, has approached children walking to and from school, police said. Witnesses told police he was seen driving a white or brown van with the windows broken out.

The attempted kidnapping/child abduction occurred on October 7, 2008, at 5:55 p.m. and October 10, 2008, at 8:55 a.m.

Police on Sunday morning, October 12th, said the sightings have not been concentrated to one specific area and there have been multiple sightings of clowns across the city, according to a Harrison Area Special Victims Unit detective.

One suspect was seen on foot in the Garfield Park neighborhood and near Beidler Elementary School, 3151 W. Walnut St., and Polaris Charter Academy, 620 N. Sawyer Avenue.

Dressed in a multi-colored clown suit with a mask or white face paint, a red nose and a teardrop on his cheek, the man escaped in a van after the failed attempts.

Police elaborated that there have been multiple sightings of clowns across the city, including one sighting in Wicker Park, but there has been no hard evidence leading to a suspect. No arrests have been made.

BLACK EYED CHILDREN: Urban Legend Or Devil Children

I was watching a fellow Truther's video and he reminded me of the rumor of the Black Eyed Children that have been spotted around for many years. I have read many stories and seen many videos regarding these entities.  I find it very interesting, being a mother myself. So I have found a few articles/videos about this topic. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did. 

  • Sightings of black eyed children have been somewhat common since 1988. Most of the accounts are in agreement about most details: Black eyed children are between the ages of six and 16, only show up at night, speak in a monotone voice, don't seem to breathe, and show up at your front door and ask to be invited in to use your phone or eat some food.


    HUB pages:

    True Strange Stuff
    -Are there beings or people amount us whose sclera, pupils and iris are completely BLACK?

    Above Top Secret
    My encounter with a BEK ( Black Eyed Kid)

    Saturday, March 9, 2013

    DHS Entering Veterans Homes Citing Copyright Violation-Then Search For Weapons?!

    DHS Entering Veterans Homes Citing Copyright Violation-Then Search For Weapons?!

    Article found on BEORE IT'S NEWS
    Here is the link directly to the article:

    Aliens Take Samples of Semen and Ovule from human abductees for their genetic experiments.

    Aliens Take Samples of Semen and Ovule from human abductees for their genetic experiments.

    This article can be found at:


    Please read this article discovered on BEFORE IT'S NEWS



    Please read this article I found on BEFORE IT'S NEWS.


    The question of the day has got to be: Should the TSA lift their Post 9/11 ban on small pocket knives???

    I believe they should. But then again, I don't agree with the TSA and their terroristic tactics for searching people as they board planes anyway. I have seen so many horror stories and videos about how people are treated like cattle as they are herded through the airport. The TSA agents laugh and joke at the people they can see through those terrible naked body scanners, that do more harm than good. It used to be a joy to go to the airport and board a plane.  And now I refuse to fly because I don't me or my children to get publically molested. I am someone who always carries her handy-dandy pocket knife in case of emergencies.  And it has come in handy on several occasions.  But if I want to fly, I would have to ditch one of the most valuable tools that I carry in my purse. And because they got everyone so damn scared of terroristic acts, people have let themselves be subjected to several bans on what can be packed in their luggage.   Seriously, nail clippers and tweezers can't be in my cosmetic bag? We listen everyday as they constantly contradict themselves on the news. One minute the terrorist threat is being dealt with and we can sleep soundly , and the next minute everyone is a terrorist. Because fear is the biggest tool for making people become compliant and sheep like.

    Love always.


    Wow! How far we have come in science.  We are cloning animals left and right and now this... We are now creating TEETH in labs so people won't have to wear dentures..  What's next... Please see this news article that I read on Daily Mail.