Sunday, May 8, 2011


          With what’s been happening in the news lately, some religious leaders are saying that there are all kinds of signs pointing towards the end of days and/or that many prophecies are being fulfilled. I’ve picked out some of the ones that keep popping up.  What do you think is going on?

1. EARTHQUAKES:  When a magnitude 7.0 people were killed. An additional 1.3 million were rendered homeless in an instant.  Although extreme, the quake in Haiti was not an isolated event. At least 18 major earthquakes occurred earth wide between April 2009 and April 2010.  Bible reference: Great earthquakes will occur in one place after another, making them one of the notable feature of this momentous period of history.-Mark 13:8, Luke 21:11

2. FAMINE: Worldwide, almost 1 percent in 7 does not get enough to eat each day.  The number are worse in sub-Saharan Africa, where 1 in 3 is considered chronically hungry.  To put it into perspective, imagine a family consisting of a father, a mother, and a baby.  If there there is only enough food for two of them, who will go hungry? The father? The mother? The baby? This is the choice that such families must make on a daily basis. Bible reference:  There will be food shortages-Mark 13:8. Is Mark 13:8 being fulfilled? Despite advances in technology, are food shortages afflicting mankind on a global scale?

3. DISEASE:  Lower respiratory infections (such as pneumonia), diarrheal diseases, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria are among the most destructive diseases that afflict mankind. In a recent year, these five categories of disease killed an estimated 10.7 million individuals. Put another way, the diseases killed approximately one person every three seconds, all year long.  Bible reference: People will suffer terrible diseases-Luke 21:11

4.  LAKE OF NATURAL LOVE:  In one African country, approximately 1 out of 3 women has been sexually abused as a child. A survey conducted in that same country found that more than one third of men felt that it was acceptable to beat their wives. However, women are not the only victims of domestic violence.  In Canada, for example. nearly 3 out of 10 men have been battered or otherwise abused by their partners.  Bible reference: People will lack normal affection for their families- 2 Timothy 3:1-3

5.  RUINING OF THE EARTH:  According to some experts, 6.5 million tons of litter enter the world’s oceans each year. An estimated 50 percent of that litter is plastic that will drift for hundreds of years before it degrades.  Besides polluting the earth, humans are depleting  its natural resources at an alarming rate.  Studies show that the earth needs one year and five months to regenerate what humans consume in a year.  “If population and consumption trends continue, we will need the equivalent of two Earths by 2035,” reports the Australian newspaper Sydney Morning Herald. Bible reference: God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth,-Revelation 11:18


When I was reading this, I have to admit that I really found this interesting. But I’ve always believed that you can state anything and then find a bible reference to support you. Lest we forget that the bible was written by a MAN and translated, changed, and edited by MEN. That’s why I don’t claim any religious denomination. I’m spiritual and scientific. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I’m really interested in what people think of it.

Love Always