Wednesday, November 9, 2016

God, it's been a minute... Why do I always disappear and neglect my blog? IDK.... I just felt the need to speak out tonight.... Ugh! I am so very very very over the election...  Ok, so I am so over it.... Yes, Trump won. But are any of us suprised? I know my wonderful fans are waiting for some snarky remark,... But seriously, I got nothing. I would personally like to celebrate the fact that CALIFORNIA JUST FUCKING LEGALIZED RECREATIONAL USE OF MARIJUANA !!!( Here is the link that could literally answer all your questions:,_Marijuana_Legalization_(2016) )
 Omg! I was a stoner before, but now I kinda sorta have a reason to spartk up... for freedom.. lmfao....

So Prop 64 is actually called the Adult Use of Marijuana Act... Yass bitch!  Only people over the age of 21 can smoke weed. But there are some stipulations. You can posses up to one once of mary jane.  And you can grow up to 6 plants in your home, but the home has to be locked and no one can see it.  The state has until 01/01/2018 to comepletly pass out licences. I think this is going resonate through out history. We will be the first state to fully legalize the green goddess. I am telling you now that I plan on growing some shit... Ok let's be real, the only thing that I can successfully grow are cacti. LOL I have always been and advocate for the medicinal purposes and the agricultural uses of marijuana. I have always thought that if given the chance that marijuana could exceed the sale of Cotton in the United states. It can be used as a crop, to make rope, clothes, and in some cases, it has been used to excellerate the growth of other plants. In addtion, California is a great place to grow such a plant. We have all the right climates for growing it. I mean, have you fucking see the shit that we grow out here? Our wine is exceptional, and all of the other crops that we produce are sought out by several industries around the world. That's not even to mention the fresh seafood. (Side note: if you go to a restaurant in Cali, and they do not have FRESH seafood, you should leave. It's just that simple...)

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Ok, I have been really good about venting to about my personal life, but fuck!!!!! I AM SO FUCKING ANNOYED RIGHT NOW!

I have been a really really really good girlfriend, but I have been challenged with some shit. I have been trying to be supportive, but a gal can only go so far before she will about to snap.

So, BF's birthday passed and I was bound and determined to make the weekend his. But what could go wrong you ask? EVERYTHING!

Of course, I did what everyone thought I would. Reseverations? CHECK! Extra money for parting and drinking? CHECK!! Babysitters? CHECK!!!  So what happend?  HIS FUCKING PAST!! So, because of some underdog ass bitch shit his ex wife pulled with child support, it was brought to our attention that the BF would have to go to jail.  YUP! Because he is being super screwed by his ex wife, he may have to to go jail over child support. Now, keep in mind that I have been doing all I can to make sure his ass stays the fuck out of jail, there is nothing like the past to be like, "HEY, YOU KNOW HOW YOU ARE WORKING YOUR ASS OFF TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT IN YOUR LIFE? YEAH, I AM ABOUT TO DROP A MONKEY WRENCH IN THOSE PLANS."

I fucking hate  that cunt whore. I am dont know if he still gives a fuck about her or not. But I tell you what, I am not about to deal with him, his kids, or his fucking ex wife any more. I cant stand the way he is so fucking lazy now. Or the fucking fact that he has lost all goals for his life. He sits and fucking lies about all the shit he does all day. When in reality, he sits at home and does fucking nothing. I come home after a long shift, and there are still dishes in the sink and shit on the floors from the dogs. He does one thing, and makes it seem likes it fucking takes hours. Like, what the fuck do you do all day besides kick it with the drug addict neighbors. And worst of all the motherfuckers have the nerve to step foot on my property and fucking yel


... Team, so it's no secret that the BF got me a a PS4 for a present. So, I have been current been neglecting my prized Xbox 360. I have been playing for a few months now and it's great. I am not saying that I am chosing sides, but I have noticed that there are a few differences from the 360 to the PS4.  First of all, I had to come to grips with the fact that we as 360 owners have been left out of so much. I get it, the company has found an excuse for dumbing down the graphis a tad bit, but FOR REAL!  As a dedicated fan of not only the 360, but of the entire CALL OF DUTY SERIES, i feel like, I have  been left behind!!!  There are so many things that we as XBOX users have been DENIED...
I understand that they want us to upgrade, but that goes without saying.Any gamephile like myself will tell you that we have every intetntion of buying just about every system that they throw at us, but we like to do it at our own pace. WE DO NOT LIKE TO BE PRESSURED INTO BUYING SHIT. Damn, that felt good to say. I usually like to make sure everything and everyone is taken care of before i splurge on shit.  This being said, on BLACK OPS 3  game on PS4, we do not get so many of of the things that we are owed.  We do not get the Black Market.  Ok, to be honest, I am totally over this shit. I have spent countless CRYPTOKEYS trying to keep up with the Jones. I am trying to buy weapon upgrades, costumes, gestures, and shit like that and trust me, it can get frustrating. I have been in so many games where I have been killed so  mnya fucking times by items that can be only purchased in the BLACK MARKET. What the actual fuck!!!! The thing is that you can only buy the car packages with the cryptokeys that you earn in matches.  Or you can buy CALL OF DUTY POINTS.  And yes, as much as I am devoted fan to the series, I have a limited amount of funds to be buying shit like that. ( Needless to say, I have bought some damn points, in an effort to increast my chances of prizes. I do not recommend it though. You have just the same amount of chances of getting the same shit as not purchasing the COD POINTS.) So, you are permitted to earn contracts for bonuses like playing with Black Jack, who is the first person that you see when you are in the BLACK MARKET. (Yes, he by himself is fucking awesome. You can capture other players's powers, weapons, and abilities. Long story... )   But why can I not get this on the XBOX 360. What did we do that was so wrong, except hang on to a system that is no long being produced. I personally own every single CALL OF DUTY that was made. That is my one game that i take pride.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

I have been so busy lately. I have been neglecting this blog. I know. I also write in my daily journal. Ok, wait, that was a lie. I have beseem neglecting that too. I have been enjoying my life right now.

Yeah, sure I have had my problems. Life happens. And I know that I really should be writing more. It is realaxing. But I also love Netflix. I love binging on HOURS AND HOURS of tv.  As long as I take care of my shit around the house and work.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The most lonlinest day of my life


Another interesting article I read on Before It's News (

Article taken from: Before It's News CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE AND WATCH VIDEO

"Today, as you'll learn in the video below by Alex Jones along with the articl from InfoWars, John McAfee reported in business INsider that "A time bomb is hidden benath the Panama Paper,'"  and he go into detail about what the bomb is.  If you recall, in a post yesterda titled 'What Are The Mysterious Panama Papers? Who Was Left Out And Why?', it explained how the offshore holding tax shelters of the Mossack Fonseca law firm function, and revealed some of the players.  The ticking time bomb at the heart of this hoax, is the agenda of the New World Order, and the Panama Papers are intended to bend Vladimir Putin's will in line with where global elites want it.

What we've learned today, is that the group responsible for the lead is none other than George Soros' Open Society Foundation (A George Soros outfit), the Ford Foundation, and a host of other foundations,  Said another way:  The Panama Papers wasn't a leak.  It was yet ANOTHER "orchestrated" attack by Illuminati front man George Soros intended to attack Vladimir Putin. Why?  Because Putin isn't play by illuminati banking rules, and the global elites aren't having it.

If you've been paying attention to geopolitics for any length of time, then you  know who George Soros is, and you know what he's capable of.  He's a billionaire several times over, and operates as front man for the Bilderberg/Illuminati/New World Order.  Recently, the filthy fingerprints of both the global elites and Soros have been all ove just about every major crisis currently unfolding around the globe.  Watch as I lay out their roadmap of destruction.

Something rarely talked abouit except amound "crazy conspiracy theorists', but nonetheless true, is that virtually every Central Bank ob Earth (including the our own Fed) is owned by the Illuminati Rothschild family.  For a complete list of banks owned by the Illuminati Rothschild family, see the list here.  Put and the /Chines have refused to buy into the Rothschild banking scheme, which is likely why Putin has been targeted in this recent charade.  Learn more in the video from Alex Jones,"



Been a while right?  Well, with the news on fire about several events, I wanted to post some random stuff that I have seen on Before It's News (

Panama Papers

Below I also included a video I found on YouTube.  Click and enjoy!!!
Love Always