Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Another interesting article I read on Before It's News (www.beforitsnews.com)

Article taken from: Before It's News CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE AND WATCH VIDEO

"Today, as you'll learn in the video below by Alex Jones along with the articl from InfoWars, John McAfee reported in business INsider that "A time bomb is hidden benath the Panama Paper,'"  and he go into detail about what the bomb is.  If you recall, in a post yesterda titled 'What Are The Mysterious Panama Papers? Who Was Left Out And Why?', it explained how the offshore holding tax shelters of the Mossack Fonseca law firm function, and revealed some of the players.  The ticking time bomb at the heart of this hoax, is the agenda of the New World Order, and the Panama Papers are intended to bend Vladimir Putin's will in line with where global elites want it.

What we've learned today, is that the group responsible for the lead is none other than George Soros' Open Society Foundation (A George Soros outfit), the Ford Foundation, and a host of other foundations,  Said another way:  The Panama Papers wasn't a leak.  It was yet ANOTHER "orchestrated" attack by Illuminati front man George Soros intended to attack Vladimir Putin. Why?  Because Putin isn't play by illuminati banking rules, and the global elites aren't having it.

If you've been paying attention to geopolitics for any length of time, then you  know who George Soros is, and you know what he's capable of.  He's a billionaire several times over, and operates as front man for the Bilderberg/Illuminati/New World Order.  Recently, the filthy fingerprints of both the global elites and Soros have been all ove just about every major crisis currently unfolding around the globe.  Watch as I lay out their roadmap of destruction.

Something rarely talked abouit except amound "crazy conspiracy theorists', but nonetheless true, is that virtually every Central Bank ob Earth (including the our own Fed) is owned by the Illuminati Rothschild family.  For a complete list of banks owned by the Illuminati Rothschild family, see the list here.  Put and the /Chines have refused to buy into the Rothschild banking scheme, which is likely why Putin has been targeted in this recent charade.  Learn more in the video from Alex Jones,"