Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Ok, it’s been forever since I took the time to clear my mind.. I have complete neglected my blog, with the exception of a few random ass posts.  And now, my mind at it’s most restless. I haven't been like this for a while. There is just so much shit going on in my life.  Guys prove to be a bigger problem than ever imagined.  And work… I love my job, but some people absolutely drive me crazy.

I’ve decided that I need to let some of my energy out in a safe way. I am not myself lately. I am usually a happy, curious, nerdy, stoner. And now, I’ve gone off my truest path. Nothing much has changed, except for the fact that my love life sucks and I still have the insomnia.  But duh right? I will always have the insomnia. However, I do have to admit that for a time, I was actually sleeping really well. Maybe because I had someone sleeping with me. IDK. Maybe for once I didn’t have something to worry about or think about or imagine 900 different scenarios.

I guess the great part about what is bothering me now, is that it has allowed me to reach out to my best friend. JD. I haven’t hung out with hin in a minute.  And it was about time. He is always someone that I can call on.  A true friend that truly is accepting of me.  Maybe because he is a male version of me.  Dark and sarcastic.

Shit, if anything, I have learned that I needed to stick to my roots. I’ve lost track of many of the things I loved. I totally haven’t played Xbox in fucking forever.  I don't think that I have any friends online anymore.  But I can say that I was playing the PS3 for awhile and I fucking loved it.  And that was the beginning of my neglect for my Xbox.  But it is time to get some good ol’  Kill Confirmed games in for Call Of Duty. Yeah, yeah, yeah…. I totally gotta stop the bullshit and play some games already. I already know that my skills are out of whack!

I think I’m going to end this blog right now… Feels good to end it right now. I’ve said what I wanted to right now. Besides, I think I might hit the Dabz pen and play some games…. Or even what a movie.`.   That’s another thing that I totally missed out in doing.  Watching my movies… I added to many to both DVD queue and Instant queue for Netflix.  I might write about them.  Not sure yet. It’s not like I’m watching just new movies. I’m watching movies that i haven’t seen, movies i’ve seen multiple times, movies other people recommend that I watch or even rewatch.  I mean why not? I love to get lost in that other worldy experience called a movie. For two hours I am not of this place. I am either running from a serial killer that wants revenge on the 7 people locked in the room or a mad scientist creating what he thinks will be the break-through cure-all only to realize what he made was a biological weapon.  This is what I love. I am here in my temple. ( New temple = new name, I have decided to name this house Tattooine. I’m really sure why. My daughter asked to name the place and it was the first thing that popped in my head.) I am here being transported away to different times, planets, and scenarios.  My movies.  So I am going to watch as many as I can this summer. That’s my goal! To watch as many as I can!  Ok. I am going to end this blog now. I need to decide what  I need to do to end this night.

My brain is quiet right now….. for now.

Love Always.