Things that are on my mind. Mostly things I think about when I'm staying up at night.... The dawn is your enemy
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
While searching the net, I’ve come across some of the most beautiful pictures of places all around the world. If I wasn’t borderline agoraphobic, I would actually venture outside of my little cottage and actually travel. Truth is, I love traveling. I love adventure. One day I will travel to several places… Maybe these places..

Plitvice Lake Croatia
Unusual Forest Home- This home caught my eye… :-)
White Haven Beach, Australia
I will post more… These just happen to have stuck in my head recently. It is quite amazing the places that are on this Earth… So many to see. And yet, even though this life is full of just plain natural beauty, it is so sad to know that people go around destroying it…. I hope it is around long enough for me to see it…
Love Always,
Charlie Sunshine
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Maybe sleep now..
Maybe sleep now after this episode of The Cult... Hey, I also have some Fringe to watch.
Maybe sleep now after I add these movies to my instant queue... I can't wait to watch that German horror..
Maybe sleep now after I see if Crackle updated those animes... Don't forget to watch Wolverine anime.
Maybe sleep now after one more round of Team Deathmatch on Call of Duty....I finished in top 3.
Maybe sleep now after one more article on Before It's News... More alternative news with proof of alien abductions...
Maybe sleep now after one more creature on God Of War.. I am so close to killing these snake fuckers.
Maybe sleep now after one more shot of Tequila... My favorite mistress.
Maybe sleep now after one more beer... Ice cold Corona to chase the tequila.
Maybe sleep now after one last cigarette... What's better after a shot and a beer.
Maybe sleep now after checking my Facebook... Oh look someone left a comment...
Maybe sleep now after I tweet this... Yay! I got more followers.
Maybe sleep now after one more blog... Did I remember to write about those videos?
Maybe sleep now after a snack.. Mmmm barbecue burgers are calling my name.
Maybe sleep now after I use the restroom...All those beers go straight through me...
Maybe sleep now after I plug up my phone... Oh crap I got some text messages to reply to..
Maybe sleep now after I put on my PJ's... Boxers and an Avengers shirt..
Maybe sleep now after I change my doggy's puppy pad.. Can't have her pissing on the floors.
Maybe sleep after I check on the kids... Quiet my mind by making sure they are breathing..
Maybe sleep now after I check the locks.. Gotta make sure no one is coming in or killing us in our sleep...
Maybe sleep now after I go in the room.... Damn, I got in the bed and didn't turn off the light..
Maybe sleep now after I get under the covers... Did I set my alarm?
Maybe sleep now after I snuggle up to my boyfriend... He is so warm..
Maybe sleep now after I lay my head down on the pillow..
RING RING RING RING... Oh shit, goddamn alarm... It's already 6 am!
An Insomnia poem by Strassa McDowell aka Charlie Sunshine
Taken from Ripley’s Believe It Or Not…
California based inventor Matty Sallin has devised an alarm clock that wakes you up with the smell of Bacon. Wake n’Bacon turns on ten minutes before you are due to wake up and slowly sizzles frozen slices of bacon beneath two halogen light bulbs. Its built in fan then wafts the aroma of cooking bacon around the room to wake you up gently… :-)
Here is a supporting article that I found about this clock! Check it out. It’s a great idea and I am totally adding it to my wish list in the future!
Needless to say, I need me one of the damn clocks! It is fucking genius!
Love Always.
Today was a long day at work. We have our production going full blast. My company is growing by leaps and bounds. In fact, it’s been a long week. I am very satisfied at the amount of work that I was able to do this week. I love my job. But nothing compares to coming home to the family. I didn’t have to cook or clean today. It was actually a perfect Friday. My boyfriend went shopping, I got a bunch of free shit with purchase the other day while I was sopping. Which basically means that tomorrow or even Sunday, we will be barbecuing. My mother cooked a phenomenal dinner and brought some over to us, so that mean that I didn’t have to cook at all. I don’t mind cooking, I actually love to cook. I cook every night, and I don ‘t mean to toot my own horn, but I am a damn good cook. Right now me and my boyfriend are watching tv, and drinking. What are we drinking? Tequila and beer bombs! What are those you ask? It when you drop a shot of tequila into beer and drink it. It gets you pretty messed up, real fast. LOL I have to say that these are the simple things in life that I love. Sitting here in my house, watching trash TV or sports with my baby. This is how I choose to spend my Friday nights. Sitting in my awesome living room drinking and playing video games. I have no need to get drunk in the club when I can get drunk in my house and pass out and not worry about idiots who wanna fight, cops who are on the look out, or other dangerous situations.
My kids? Yeah, they are resting quietly in their rooms. They, too, are pretty exhausted from the week. They are on spring break, and they have had so much fun hanging out with my mother and going on their little adventures. And right now, they are in their rooms, detoxing from the week. So it is quite. A little too quiet personally! LOL But all in all, these are the simple things that I enjoy. I do not require much. Just some adult time. And quiet time. And this weekend, we are going to go the part and barbecue. Maybe at the lake….
Having this time allows me to think about the future and make plans. Plans not only for the weekend, but for the summer. :-) I am thinking a road trip? Maybe to spend the weekend in Santa Cruz or Monterey. Maybe another weekend in San Francisco. Either way, I know my family will enjoy will enjoy it. And, also, I know I am going to drink my way around town..
Ahh, the simple things in life are all I need to survive.
Love Always,
This is one of my favorite subjects. The idea that the government can control the weather to benefit them and their agendas. Sounds a little out of this world? Or like something from the science fiction shows that I watch religiously on various cable networks.
Here is some more information to digest regard this:
igh Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT), its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance. Work on the HAARP Station began in 1993 and the current working IRI was completed in 2007. The most prominent instrument at the HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency (HF) band. H.A.A.R.P is the largest ionospheric heater in the world. Capable of heating a 1000 square kilometer area of the ionosphere to over 50,000 degrees. Using HAARP, the military can focus a billion-watt pulsed radio beam into our upper atmosphere, ostensibly for ionospheric research. This procedure will form extremely low frequency waves and send them back to the Earth, enhancing communications with submarines and allowing us to “see” into the Earth, detecting anything from oil reserves to underground missile silos.
I had previously published the article "Is HAARP Shifting The Track of Hurricane Sandy?" Where i go further into detailing of Hurricane Sandy Conspiracy. Also view the video below called Hurricane Sandy 'Frankenstorm' HAARP? Conspiracy theory? 2012
However, several researchers claim HAARP poses many dangers, including blowing thirty-mile holes in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. They also warn of possible disruption of the subtle magnetic energies of our Earth and ourselves. Holes in Heaven? is a prime example of grassroots film-making by producer Paula Randol-Smith and Emmy-winning director Wendy Robbins. Narrated by Martin Sheen, the documentary, investigates HAARP, its history and implications, and examines the dangers and benefits of high and low frequencies and of electromagnetic technology.
If you still aren't convinced after seeing the movie up above feel free to read my previous article titles "The Georgia Guidestones" click on the link to read how the New World Order has plans to exterminate millions across the world.
Full article available at: Before It's News: HAARP Technology Fully Explained
Ever since I have heard of this tragic story on various media outlets, I have seen several stories pop up regarding the actual legitimacy of the horrible events that supposedly took place on that fateful day. If you are unfamiliar with the story, let me quickly fill you in. In December 2012, Adam Lanza entered an elementary school and brutally murdered several children, allegedly.
Many websites are challenging the story. Many claim that the we story we a false flag event staged by the government in an effort to push their antigun agendas.
Here is another article I found regarding this incident. The article is located at Before It's News: The Problems With The Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre.
By Andrew S. MacGregor
In 2009 The Obama Administration initiated moves against The American Constitution. The target was the 2nd Amendment.
The Dep't of Homeland Security, FEMA, the FBI and the BATFE were all involved in the planning of the moves to bring about the required changes once the State Dep't had initiated moves with the United Nations.
The Modus Operandi was to follow the successful moves orchestrated by the National Coalition for Gun Control led by Rebecca Peters in Australia and Philip Alpers in New Zealand in the late 1980's up to 1996.
In July 2012, the Preliminary moves were made. The American 'State Dep't' under Hillary Clinton was in discussions with the United Nations in regard to an 'Arms Trade Treaty'. On the 20th of July 2012, midway through those discussions with the United Nations, there was a 'Lone-nut' gun massacre at the Aurora Theatre in Colorado. This was only the preliminary stage, and although there were some mistakes and the 'Lone-nut' patsy survived, the original plan continued.
The plan required a 'double whammy' a second and more heart-wrenching massacre so as the Obama Administration could say that had the required 'Changes to the Constitution' been permitted in July 2012, then this massacre would never have taken place.
There were two 'teams' selected. Team 'A' was to escort the 'patsy' to the site of the massacre, conduct the massacre, kill the patsy at the site of the massacre, making his death appear to be a suicide and then retreat and wait for the Team 'B'. Team 'B' was the ERT, and as the protocols require would only have been told enough to complete their task properly, thus they would be unaware of the purpose behind their actual positioning.
On the 14th of December 2012, the second planned massacre occurred. The selected patsy, Adam Lanza was escorted to the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut, after his mother had been murdered. Lanza's escort consisted of two police officers. A third police officer began to leave a cache of rifles and shotguns within the proximity of the school. The fourth member of the team, armed with an AR-15 rifle that could fire on fully automatic, and fitted with a 100 round capacity magazine then entered the school and after entering one classroom, murdered the entire class by herding the students into a huddle and then spraying them with bullets. This resulted in the students being shot between 3 to 11 times as reported by the Coroner.
The gunman then shot the school principal and two there staff in the hallway as they approached the classroom. The gunman then moved to the second classroom and began to murder those occupants, but stopped halfway.
This abrupt ending of the massacre is extremely telling. It tells us that the gunman was able to listen in on the police communications, and learnt that the report to 911 had occurred as expected. However the report was of 'shots being fired', not children being murdered, and so, the 'Emergency Dispatcher' instead of calling for the Emergency Response Team at Carmel, simply gave the call to the local police who were able to respond so quickly that they almost caught the fleeing gunman.
As it was, the gunman had 45 seconds to finish the shooting, leave the school building and get into the waiting 'escape' vehicle, a 'red/maroon van' registration number 872 YEO, which the first police responders saw leaving the school and requested details.
However, the gunman in his haste had failed to leave the murder weapon behind; he took it with him, along with the 100 round capacity magazines.
The other members of the Team 'A' are now caught in a serious situation. The members escorting the patsy, 'Adam Lanza' then execute the patsy with a Glock pistol, making it look like a suicide. They though now have to leave this area without being seen, so, to ensure that no school staff or students risk peeking out of their classrooms, they fire their pistols as they move away from the killing zone. The entire shooting incident took just over three minutes to complete, but the local police were able to 'arrest' the three remaining members of the Team 'A'.
Team 'B' has offered their services in assisting at the massacre, but are informed they are not required. Now here it where it becomes really interesting. The first police to arrive at Sandy Hook Elementary find the body of Adam Lanza. He has two pistols with him and is quite dead. He is the presumed gunman. However, once the police check out the classrooms with the dead bodies in them, all they can see are the empty .223 cartridges. There is no .223 firearm, and there are no magazines. A very diligent search takes place, and the three weapons are located outside the school buildings. However, still no .223 firearm.
At some time in the morning, Lt. J. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police takes command of the crime scene. He is aware that the local police have made a very thorough search of the area, but have been unable to find the murder weapon.
The only place the local police have been unable to search is the 'locked' trunk of the black Honda sedan that the 'patsy' Adam Lanza had supposedly driven to the school. Thus Vance would tell the media that the 'murder weapon' has been located in the trunk of the black Honda sedan, and names the weapon as a 'Bushmaster'.
This lie resolves the problem of the missing murder weapon, but creates the problem of just how the murder weapon got there in the first place. This problem is resolved that night when Lt. J. Paul Vance have police search the trunk of the Honda in the middle of the night when all but his trusted crew are present, and films the finding of the 'shotgun' that had originally been found by the first police outside the school buildings.
This act then changes the 'story' and now the 'Bushmaster' can be moved from the trunk of the Honda to within the area where Adam Lanza's body was found. There is still though the problem of the missing magazines, and so Lt. J. Paul Vance now tells of the finding of the 30 round capacity magazines that fit the 'Bushmaster'. The problem with the 30 round capacity magazines is that they do not explain the style of shooting that took place, and the lack of sufficient magazines. There is also the very short period of time that the shooting took place so again Lt. J. Paul Vance simply expands the time frame of the shooting ignoring the actual evidence of surviving staff and the police dispatch calls..
And so the criminal acts have been hidden. The Sandy Hook Elementary School will be closed down and demolished. Another vacant school building which has been refurbished will replace the Sandy Hook Elementary School, and the Obama Administration will continue with their efforts to remove the 2nd Amendment of the American Constitution.
What the United States of America is experiencing at this present moment in the endeavours by the Federal government, to infringe upon the American Constitution, specifically the 2nd Amendment to that Constitution, is exactly the same attack that Australians suffered under the attacks led by the American Rebecca Peters of the National Coalition for Gun Control, leading up to the Port Arthur Massacre on the 28th April 1996.
“On the 14th of October 2009, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and the State Department, announced that it was instigating with the United Nations, an ‘Arms Trade Treaty’. The Obama Administration in 2009 was prepared to have the 2nd Amendment ‘regulated’ by a body outside of the ‘American Constitution’.
This was a “Political Agenda”! To infringe upon the Constitutional rights of every American citizen, the Obama Administration needed a catalyst, an event that would create the required mindset amongst the minions. Once the Obama Administration had created that catalyst, then the ‘Treaty’ with the United Nations could go ahead.
The United Nations conference on the Arms Trade Treaty started on the 2nd of July 2012 and was due to be completed on the 25th of July 2012. It is during this time that the catalyst would be required.
On Friday the 20th of July, just a week before the UN conference was due to end there was a “lone-nut” gun massacre at the Aurora theatre where patrons were watching the ‘Premiere’ of the film, ‘The Dark Knight Rises’. Twelve people were killed and 58 wounded. Police arrest a ‘suspect’, James Holmes.
This was the first part of the catalyst, but things had gone badly wrong. The main weapon used in this massacre was an AR-15 with a 100 round magazine, but the magazine jammed. This reduced the number of victims and reduced the overall required effect of the massacre. Furthermore, the supposed ‘lone-nut’ gunman who was supposed to have been ‘suicided’ remained alive.
When police arrested James Holmes he was seated in his car totally out of it in a drugged state and completely harmless. There is absolutely no way that James Holmes could have been considered in a condition to have committed the crimes he was later charged with.
There were also trails of blood and other evidence which instead of leading to Holmes’ motor car actually went past it and in another direction. And finally there were the witnesses who stated that the ‘fire exit’ door to the theatre was opened by a person inside the theatre whose mobile phone rang, and this door was left open for the gunman to enter. Ergo, we have at least two people other than the supposed ‘lone-nut’ gunman, James Holmes involved in this massacre.
The United Nations conference on the ‘Arms Trade Treaty’ was unable to be finalised and the conference was adjourned to March 2013.
Let me know what you think.. As always, I encourage everyone to do their own research and come to their own conclusions. I have my own ideas of how everything went down. I only provide the information that I find fascinating.
Love Always.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Classical portraits of a very non-classical beauty: Revealing images of patients who have undergone extreme plastic surgery…
I found this article at Daily Mail: Unconventional/Non-Classical Beauty
A pioneering photographer is challenging traditional perceptions of beauty with a series of portraits in which all of the subjects have undergone extensive reconstructive plastic surgery.
Phillip Toledano's series of photos entitled 'A New Kind of Beauty?' began when he was offered an assignment to photograph a man who had undergone multiple plastic surgery procedures.
Mr Toledano, who was born in London but lives and works in New York, befriended the man's press assistant and the pair began a friendship on Facebook. Through that friendship he came into contact with Allanah, a transgendered woman who had undergone plastic surgery on several occasions.
Plastic surgery patient Nikki pictured in 2009, one of photographer Phillip Toledano's unusual subjects for his series entitled A New Kind of Beauty?
Steve: Photographer Phillip Toledo began his unusual project after an assignment to photograph a man who'd had multiple plastic surgery procedures. After befriending the man's press officer he was put in contact with other plastic surgery patients
She agreed to pose for him and also put him into contact with other people for the project and through social networks and traditional word of mouth the project grew, as can be seen on his website.
Speaking to Mr Toledano said: 'In 50 or 100 years time, I think humanity won't look like it does today because of technology. We will be able to redefine what it means to look human and I think these people are the vanguard of that type of evolution.
Mr Toledano said he has been inspired by the 16th century German artist Hans Holbein the Younger, whose portraits are considered to be some of the most realistic of the time.
He added: 'I wanted to make beautiful and distinguished portraits of these people. … I wanted to represent a particular part of beauty from our time.
'Usually there are two kinds of feedback: the expected "Holy shit! These people look crazy," which definitely isn’t the point of the work. … it’s too easy in art to take a group or subgroup of people and point and laugh. I’ve never been interested in that.
'And then there are hopefully some people who understand the point I’m making about the direction we’re headed, which is what I’m trying to do. … I’m not naïve; I know people will look at the work and be taken aback, but I hope they can work through that and see the point I’m trying to make.'
The book A New Kind of Beauty is available for purchase.
Gina, 2009: Phillip Toledano's subjects are far from average. The photographer documents people who have gone through radical reconstructive plastic surgery
Tiana, 2008: The subjects in the unusual series of portraits have undergone reconstructive plastic surgery as opposed to the cosmetic type
Zander: Photographer Phillip Toledano wanted to explore human perceptions of beauty and challenge traditional assumptions of what makes a person physically attractive
Monique: Photographer Phillip Toledano was inspired by the 16th century German artist Hans Holbein whose portraits are considered to be some of the most realistic of the time
Fred: The series of pictures entitled 'A New Kind of Beauty' is the second in a trilogy Mr Toledano has created about mortality. The first part was about taking care of his elderly father
Justin: Photographer Phillip Toledano said the reaction to the project has been mixed but not unexpected
Yvette: News of the project spread via word of mouth and social media and it was not long before Mr Toledano had enough interesting subjects to complete the series
Dina: Mr Toledano said: 'In 50 or 100 years time, I think humanity won t look like it does today because of technology. We will be able to redefine what it means to look human and I think these people are the vanguard of that type of evolution'
Angel: Photographer Phillip Toledano said his aim had been to make 'beautiful and distinguished' portraits and 'represent a particular part of beauty from our time'
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I have seen so many news stories lately about cops attacking citizens. Now a suspect in custody at a police station, attacks and shoots another cop in the interrogation room. How did this happen? I found this article on Daily Mail.
Love Always.
This kinda trippy. A guy and his pit bulls ATTACK a neighbor’s pet pig! I found this story on Daily Mail.
Here is the full story.. and video
Today was a long day at work. We have our production going full blast. My company is growing by leaps and bounds. In fact, it’s been a long week. I am very satisfied at the amount of work that I was able to do this week. I love my job. But nothing compares to coming home to the family. I didn’t have to cook or clean today. It was actually a perfect Friday. My boyfriend went shopping, I got a bunch of free shit with purchase the other day while I was sopping. Which basically means that tomorrow or even Sunday, we will be barbecuing. My mother cooked a phenomenal dinner and brought some over to us, so that mean that I didn’t have to cook at all. I don’t mind cooking, I actually love to cook. I cook every night, and I don ‘t mean to toot my own horn, but I am a damn good cook. Right now me and my boyfriend are watching tv, and drinking. What are we drinking? Tequila and beer bombs! What are those you ask? It when you drop a shot of tequila into beer and drink it. It gets you pretty messed up, real fast. LOL I have to say that these are the simple things in life that I love. Sitting here in my house, watching trash TV or sports with my baby. This is how I choose to spend my Friday nights. Sitting in my awesome living room drinking and playing video games. I have no need to get drunk in the club when I can get drunk in my house and pass out and not worry about idiots who wanna fight, cops who are on the look out, or other dangerous situations.
My kids? Yeah, they are resting quietly in their rooms. They, too, are pretty exhausted from the week. They are on spring break, and they have had so much fun hanging out with my mother and going on their little adventures. And right now, they are in their rooms, detoxing from the week. So it is quite. A little too quiet personally! LOL But all in all, these are the simple things that I enjoy. I do not require much. Just some adult time. And quiet time. And this weekend, we are going to go the part and barbecue. Maybe at the lake….
Having this time allows me to think about the future and make plans. Plans not only for the weekend, but for the summer. :-) I am thinking a road trip? Maybe to spend the weekend in Santa Cruz or Monterey. Maybe another weekend in San Francisco. Either way, I know my family will enjoy will enjoy it. And, also, I know I am going to drink my way around town..
Ahh, the simple things in life are all I need to survive.
Love Always,
Monday, April 1, 2013
I hope you enjoy!