Sunday, June 3, 2012

The ONE woman who refuses to leave her toxic Kansas hometown after ALL her neighbors left because it was poisoned by decades of lead mining

So now that the government has paid everyone to leave the town, one couple refuse to leave their home. After years of mining, the town has become a ghost town with swiss cheese for a ground. The governement has offered all the residents of Treece money to leave the town. Now that one couple has decided to stay, what is the next step? I guarantee that the government will force them off their land. Some sort of inspector will come and deem the house unstable, or some court will come up with a reason to get them to leave. I already know how the governement works. They offer you money first because that usually works, but if you resist their firs offer, then comes the laws or rules that you didnt know you were breaking. Next they will try to make you life very umcomfortable, like a living hell. Your family pet might go missing or end up injured, most of the time they will end up murder and placed where you will find it. Your other animals, farm or livestock, will be next. Some other governement agency will deem your animals unfit. Or they might turn up dead. They have ways to make you leave. But I gotta few questions. Why do they want them to leave so bad? These people knew the risk. And after the mines closed, they chose to stay. But why now? All of a sudden the government is buying people out. The land may not be good for "people" to live on but I guarantee there is no way that the governement is going to let an entire town, all that land, go to waste. With recent talks about FEMA camps and special prions for domestic terrorists, you can best believe tha this would be perfect.

Love Always