Saturday, April 18, 2015

Fear and Love

Fear not love, who unsheathes her blade upon my heart.

Fear not love, who crushes every thought with thoughts of him.

Fear not love, who sucks the very oxygen out of the my lungs.

Fear not love, who leaves her wanting memory upon my lips.

Fear not love, who corrupts my rational brain with poison.

Fear not love, who fingerprints of passion stain my skin.

Fear not love, who leaves me clawing for that ring to prove I'm not alone.

Fear not love…

I am your victim. Please slay me.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


So, it’s that time again.  The time at the end of one year and the beginning of the next when people start to make these ridiculous promises and expectations of themselves, in the form of New Years Resolutions.  My issue with making resolutions are the people that create unrealistic ones…  Especially when it comes to exercise or quitting something. A friend of mine said her New Year’s Resolution was to run 10 miles a day.  Now keep in mind that this bitch is over weight, a smoker of both marijuana and cigarettes, does not eat fresh vegetables unless they are in the form of pickles on her burger, and consumes her first drink of alcohol before most of us even wake up, and probably hasn’t run 10miles in 10 years.  I’m supposed to support that? Yeah, no.

Love Always