Monday, November 24, 2014


It’s funny to see all these posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter from all these various people and sources about what they regret… Me on the other hand, I have no regrets. My life has been one big cluster fuck of awesomeness and tragedy. One big mixture of  “ the movies made it look so easy” moments with a “damn that was AMAZING” soundtrack.   People ask me why I have no regrets.  My answer is simple, at the time I made any decision it was the best one for that situation.  How am I ever to grow as a mom, sister, girlfriend, or aunt if I don’t make a mistake? It is because of those mistakes that allowed me to see the world for what it really was.  To see the people in this world for who they really are.  Shit, life will take you up and down.  But what is life, if you don’t LIVE it.  Don’t die before you are dead.

Love Always

Charlie Sunshine